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The *real* reason for ATA’s “Economy Upgrade”

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ProfessorDaddy, Oct 15, 2019.


Would you be happy with the “economy update” if the gems received from monster kills were reverted?

  1. Yes

  2. No, it’s not enough

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  1. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Many players have expressed feelings that the update was designed to boost profits for the company by catering to the biggest spenders, while others are simply wondering how devaluing virtually every purchase you can make in the game is supposed to encourage more purchases and actually increase profits for ATA. Well...

    Here’s how:

    Let’s take a look at what now gives us the best $ > gem ratio.

    Available at any time, the platinum keys can be purchased from the shop, yielding 12k immediately, and another 15k over the next 30 days. Giving us a total of 27k for $10. Meaning $1 = 2,700 gems.

    This is now normally the best conversion in the entire market for buying gems.

    But wait! Let’s take a look at that $10 event pass!

    Offering the potential for up to slightly over 86k gems, that brings the conversion to a whopping 8,600 gems per dollar spent! More than triple what the second best option is!

    “Wow! What a great deal!” you think to yourself! ...
    Until you realize that you probably won’t get that many points...
    But still, a good percentage of the player base can get a good 22-34k gems out of the deal! That’s a solid 2.2-3.4k gems for every dollar spent, plus you get all that other good so it’s still a great deal, right?...

    Well... Yeah, it actually is now... Yet they were running flash sales for gems and keys not too long ago that offered a ratio of 4,000 gems per dollar spent, plus a stack of keys to spend on chests, allowing you to focus on getting more of the specific additional items you actually wanted. (That same flash sale’s conversion rate is now 2,250 gems per dollar spent, not even beating out the platinum key package’s conversion rate.)

    This update wasn’t designed to target the mega-spenders’ money. It was designed to target the average player, like you and me.

    ATA intentionally made it so that the event passes and platinum key purchases offered superior values to anything else they sold.

    For two reasons

    $10 is reported to be the average amount any given mobile gamer will spend per month on IAPs. This makes their most superior offerings appeal to the largest demographic of players.

    Both of these purchases are available to players for purchase once a month. Studies show that once a player spends money on a game via an IAP once, they’re much more likely to do so again. (This is especially true once more than $25 dollars has been spent within the game.) By targeting two IAPs that are available to purchase once a month, ATA is attempting to essentially build a base of players who are “subscribed” to purchasing the keys/event passes without actually offering subscription passes.

    So there you have it... They cut the value of every other IAP you can buy except these two, and then further inflated the value of the purchases by cutting down the “free” gems we received from killing monsters and other aspects of the game by around 80%. (That and took away the only substantial speedup rewards, which came from TnS events.)

    Something smelled fishy. And now you know why.
    KedaBaby, Freezray, heyitszac and 3 others like this.
  2. DJ_GoldRock

    DJ_GoldRock Citizen

    Sep 6, 2019
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    I started a week before the terrible update! All I know is that first week I was winning so many gems I could not believe it! I had to do a double look and make sure that gems were supposedly the most precious thing you could win on this game lol I never played a game where the most precious commodity was easy to get and that’s what kept me playing! I only started to play just to check it out(it looked different then other mmo games and simpler) I didn’t plan on still being here(barely holding on till today lol) but when that update came out, the gems I was maybe getting now before?..well after? about a 20th of what I was getting :( Freaking just greed! But since I didn’t play that long to experience all the other that you guys were winning...I decide to stick it out but I was getting ready to quit today or tomorrow but they finally put out a pack that I love and it’s the only pack that has an a good value to me! I played about 50 these games in the last six months most of them don’t make it past the day or two and this game is by far the worst value for packs I’ve ever seen! Just terrible terrible terrible greedy no value packs(yes I know no matter what it’s throwing ur money away lol) they have no value really ! But I think a lot of players in this game have never played these kinds of games, so they have no idea what value is! And the small amount of gems you get when you buy a pack, is the worst I’ve seen out of any game that does gems or diamonds or gold just ridiculous and terrible! I cringe at some of the scores I see in this game! And playing long enough I know what it takes being a ftp player so far to get just where I am after 2 months..& when I know some of the players in my alliance are buying packs, I’m just thinking what are you doing LOL and with the way things are right now with packs to really gain some true power you got to spend a lot! I mean a lot! I can only imagine with some of the Billion might players, the $ spent!? Just ridiculous amounts of money spent ! & look, I’m a spender! But I won’t spend if a developer gets greedy as hell and there is no value in their packs! And from playing so many games...& knowing what good value is... I won’t buy anything just to get beyond ripped off! and look again I’m a spender and they finally today put out a pack “Todd’s decent pack” or something for $4.99! it’s like the Olga pack they had out a month and a half ago..& to me outside the $.99 cent starter deal at the beginning of the game when u 1st start, it’s the only good value pack by far! & better than most $99 crappy packs they put out! I like this game it’s a simple game! now I like war games that have a lot of things to get into but I play a couple of those already, so this game is beyond simple a little cheesy lol but I like it and I hope the developers get their crap together and actually start giving back to the players or you’re gonna keep losing players big time! My realm we’ve been lucky, after the update a lot of players complained but most stayed...But from what i’ve read...in other realms, it’s become almost deserted! so we’ll see what happens! Again I was going to quit today or tomorrow but they put out that Todd‘s pack! Wooooo! Lol I hopefully can buy more than one! I think I can! Heck, I’ll buy 10 LOL The deal is a steal at $4.99! Anyway, that’s it rant over LOL
  3. DJ_GoldRock

    DJ_GoldRock Citizen

    Sep 6, 2019
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    Oh one more thing! This game also offers the worst prizes I’ve ever seen for challenges of any game I’ve ever played! Just atrocious and terrible terrible prizes they give for most challenges(there are a couple that are ok lol) now some challenges are easy but for what you do and get back on the so called better ones? Just beyond a waste of time for what you put in! That needs to change too!

    Oh and these 2 reviews have been a “JRock” review! Look for my other detailed reviews in the Apple App Store! Many done lol
  4. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    57 to 7...

    Can you imagine if they used the forums for this game like they had for others in the past instead of funneling players to their discord where comments and discussion quickly slip away, replaced by generalized chatter?
    FieryImp likes this.

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