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Announcement New Dragon! Lulu Arrives in The Realm

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Todd, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Greetings citizens of Heckfire!

    Denizens of Heckfire’s swamps have long since learned that it’s best not to venture out at night. Within it’s bleak clutches lays a twisted labyrinth that shifts and changes, eager to swallow up the lost or the foolhardy and feed them to the ravenous creatures that prowl the murky depths of the swirling morass. Wise citizens shut their doors and await the rising sun in the hope that the light will keep them safe from the treachery of their homeland. Lately though, those citizens have been seen venturing out in the dead of night, disappearing into the mist and rain without a word, and on quiet nights you can hear it. The chanting. It is quiet, but oh how it beckons, enticing and guiding those who heed its song as the tendrils of fog envelop them. Those lucky few who survive this journey into the heart of darkness are met by those others who have heard the siren song of the chant. As one, they raise their voices, exulting in the ritual as they beseech the unknowable beast that stirs beneath Heckfire! LULU FHTAGN!

    Introducing LULU!


    Make way for the Elder Dragon! Lulu was born of the old ones, powerful forces that have been dormant for millennia. What she lacks in size, she more than makes up for in psionic power and ferocity. (Also, look at her little tentacle face, you’re not even mad when her mind control compels you to join her army of the damned!) Lulu’s affinity to her newly claimed domain in the swamps and bogs of Heckfire is matched only by her hatred of the beings that dwell there that have the audacity to resist her will. She is prepared to use every eldritch tool at her disposal to clear them out and establish her rightful place as sovereign of the surface world. While dread Lulu may have been dreaming these long years, she’s up now and the first thing she intends to do is kick the riffraff out of her swamp, and she’s going to do it while being the most adorable, cuddly thing on two wings! Let no treant survive your onslaught, let no gold go ungathered! Seize the power of the elder ones with Lulu!

    Epic Treant Hunter - Bonus damage to Treants
    Lulu wants trees to stay still, and is very upset when they don’t listen to her. Gain a bonus when attacking those woody jerks.

    Epic Swamp Gatherer - Bonus to swamp gathering speed
    Workers want to make Lulu happy, particularly when the alternative is being made into a mind controlled thrall. Gain a gathering speed bonus on marches involving Lulu.

    Swamp Ore Glutton and Swamp Food Glutton - Bonus food and ore from swamp resource nodes
    Lulu knows and understand the swamplands, and is adept at finding every stray bit of ore and every elusive bit of tasty ham. Gain a bonus to resources gathered from Food and Ore nodes.

    Epic Swamp Sentry - Bonus to resource node defence
    It takes a pretty special type of bravery to look at a mountain of stones and think “yes, I will gladly fight a psychic elder being for that”. Did we say bravery? We meant foolishness. Lulu’s intimidating presence provides a bonus to defence on realm resource nodes.

    Troop Recruiter - Increased troop training queue
    You know what’s hard? Convincing someone to join the army. You know what’s much easier? MIND CONTROLLING someone to join the army. Lulu receives a bonus to the troop training queue. Better living through telepathic compulsion!

    Good luck and happy slaying,

    - The Heckfire Team
  2. MaddAddam

    MaddAddam Helpful Citizen

    Nov 30, 2017
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  3. Jibreelus

    Jibreelus New Citizen

    Feb 9, 2018
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    Junk. Not worth spending time on. Basically another useless dragon like Sheldon. But worse "elite" my bacon.

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