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Announcement Five Star Raids arrive to terrorize the realm!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Todd, Oct 22, 2021.

  1. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Greetings Citizens of Heckfire!

    We are pleased to announce expanded raid content, a new week long quest and changes booty drops. First, let's talk about raids! The time has come to release the Kraken (as well as other large violent creatures) as we unleash our new FIVE STAR RAIDS, Mermolga's Massacre and Heckin' Hydraphobia!


    In this new raid, take on Mermolga in her final, most terrifying rage! Intended for seasoned raiders, this ocean based commotion has top tier loot including relics and our newest six star booty drops! Only the saltiest sea dogs need apply to this maritime melee, so come prepared for a briny brawl or end up in a watery grave.


    For those looking for the ultimate in raiding Challenges, grab your fanciest head chopping axe and lace up your biggest, toughest adventuring boots because Heckin' Hydraphobia will put your hydra hewing hubris to the test. Bigger, badder and tougher than ever before, this challenge is not for the faint of heart. Or lungs. Or Spleen. Appendix optional. This raid is by far our most challenging yet, and only the most powerful, organized groups will stand a chance, but the rewards, including top quality six star booty items are up for grabs to those brave (and/or foolhardy) enough to seize opportunity from the literal jaws of a three headed monster.

    Both of these new raids are intentionally very challenging, so for those looking to hone their skills before taking on these nigh unstoppable foes we are also introducing the opportunity to purchase Hydra Raid summon energy for your clan via IAP packs in the shop so you can spend less time preparing for raids and more time showing those three headed jerks whose boss.

    We are excited to continue bringing new raid content to you, and can't wait to hear your feedback!

    Good luck and Happy Slaying!
    -The Heckfire Team
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