With your might, i don't know if you will be able to transfer into a higher realm to go for shrines. However if you really want to try for...
You will need to link your account to either an ATA log-in, Facebook, or Google Play. You can do this by clicking Extras, then choosing which...
The suggestion for destroying buildings has been made several times. I'm sure ATA has it in their list of ideas for future updates. Honestly not...
That is a problem this game has had since it started. Top players get bored since the end-game content is fairly boring, so they will go around...
Well that is a question you should ask your clan. If they don't mind shielding and hiding troops then attacking from where you are is fine. If...
Well I was thinking of avoiding FFA since that sort of defeats the purpose of a realm vs realm event. A realm would have to work together after...
Well i'm not 100% which you are looking for, so I guess I will try to guess what you are asking for. To increase the number of troops in your...
I think it would be a pretty neat idea to see how realms stack up against each other in events like hardcore might growth or slaying events. The...
I would be down for a building which increases garrison cap. Could be based off level of the wall just like how hospital level effects wards....
Having allied clan features in this game would be great. Allied lines could be green. Perhaps having features like an alliance chat or being able...
Promoting troops sounds like a great idea. Dismissing, could be good but instead of wasting the troops, adding the ability to train a militia to a...
This would be a good feature to have. ATA seems to have neglected quite a few clan mechanics which would benefit the clan feature though. I would...
Brew is already burned through enough due to raids and PVE. If you really want to stablize PVP, adding in a feature so higher th players lose...