I have seen this work perfectly fine in other games. Why would it be any different here?
Sometimes super clans are needed when you have an stronger clan basically bullying weaker clans on a daily basis. That kinda routine...
My clan has formed alliances with a few other clans. It would be great if we could officiate this somehow, making it so that we can share...
Accept it does. It keeps people people from clan hopping. And minimizes spying.
Most games require a cooling off period when leaving a clan before joining a new one. Why doesnt KoH do this as well? Although it doesnt stop...
Realm 92 peeps!!!! We are a fun, active, friendly clan looking for strong, loyal and commited players. 40k might and over are highly encouraged....
As someone who helps manage the clan I am part of, it would be easier to keep track of who is participating in group events like raids etc when...
Dude, your advice blows. This is the second post of mine with you speaking utter bs. And it's pretty presumptuous of you to assume that you...
So you're implying a player is wrong for running away from an attack? They should just sit still and take it? And according to your advice, the...
I wonder how many of these smaller accounts are dead accounts? To make things easier on clans and ally purchasing, please clean up dead/dormant...
Brews should be able to be bought with both jewels AND gold. It's hard to complete an attack on a Titan or Minion when you run out of both brews...
I second this motion!!
You say you won't reveal where the person who attacks us is located because you want to make the game more challenging, but yet you make it so...