Ata can u just un ban me please?
I wouldn't even care if they moved me to realm 1 and let them destroy me I just want to play the game.
If they un banned me from the game and didn't give me my money back I would be fine because it was my favorite game ever and I really enjoyed it.
Therefore they should have to give me money back since I didn't use the items I bought.
For example let's say I get a game buy a couple packs and items on the game. The next day I was terminated from the game and my money is gone and...
For one they can give me back my money and two isn't it illegal to get someone to buy something on a game and disable them from using the items or...
Wubba lubba dub dub
Can you give me the money I spent on the game I didn't even use everything I bought.
Can you send me the money I spent on the game I didn't even use everything I bought.
Can you re embers me with the money I spent on the game?
For one my account is through Google play so idek why I was banned and I was never told that I could have a unauthorized downloader for music on...
Shut up blaze your always mean to me when I didn't do anything to you.
No I bought gems and dragons with my money IRL so. So let's say you spend $500 on the game and they just ban you because you had a downloader they...
No they didn't give me a warning ever because when ata sent me a message I couldn't get on because my internet was down and when I got back on in...
My account was banned can you unban it please because it won't let me even start the app?
Ok I will delete my other clients can you unban my account?
I was banned from the game and I still want to play so if you could unban me and just permanently mute me that would be great.
Hey Grant my account was permanently banned from game and it won't even let me start the app. I'm kinda mad because I spent money on the game and...