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Announcement ✨ New Heckfire Web Store ✨

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Todd, Oct 20, 2022.

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  1. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    ✨ New Heckfire Web Store ✨

    What is it?

    This is Heckfire's very first external store! We've been hard at work on some new features so that we can offer new items, bundles, and options for YOU! You can purchase all the things you would in-game, but directly from us at a discount. 😉

    Here is the link!
    If you use iOS, you'll have to tap and hold the link. 😉

    Why should I use it?
    🎁 New Bundles!
    🤯 More jewels!
    Items you can't get anywhere else!
    🤗 A wider range of offers and deals!

    Why did you make it?
    We wanted to continue building on the existing web store to provide a better experience, more options, and a larger selection of items for all of you!

    This second version looks great but the *real* benefit is that we can now offer a whole selection of different types of deals! That means...
    More items!
    More deals!
    More regular updates!


    Can you recap that?
    1. LOGIN

    ☞ Use the ATA ID and Password associated with your account to enable purchasing.
    2. FIND A DEAL
    ☞ Go to the Heckfire Web Store and find something you like!
    Tap Buy Now and pick your Payment Method on the Payment Options page.
    ☞ Enter the details required or follow the link to your chosen Payment Method's login page.
    5. GET
    Once your purchase is complete, items will show up within moments and you'll receive an email receipt!


    How do I get there?
    The image at the top of this post and every mention of the Heckfire Web Store is a link!
    If you want to double-check you are in the right place, the url is https://store.kingdomsofheckfire.com/

    Do we get bonuses for purchasing there?
    Yes! You get discounts and exclusive rewards that aren't available in the game normally!

    Why should I use the web store?
    The major benefit to the Heckfire Web Store is purchases come directly to us without any crazy processing fees from Apple or Google. Without processing fees, we can provide greater discounts to y'all! This also means that money we save in processing fees can be invested directly back into growing and improving the game!

    Can I buy a bundle more than once?
    That will depend on each bundle and offer! Some will be able to be purchased multiple times. Ones that include certain items, such as avatars, can only be bought once!

    What currency are these prices in?
    The Heckfire Web Store will show prices in USD. Once you click Buy Now, the payment window will reflect the total price with your local currency and taxes. Tap the total price to see your breakdown with taxes. You'll find the conversion rate here is different than Google/Apple as it updates more frequently and often in your favour 😉

    What payment methods are accepted?
    The Heckfire Web Store hosts a wide range of international payment methods and what you see depends on where you are. You can pay directly through a bank, with cash at a local store, or even use payment methods that award additional loyalty points or money back! Please note we are regularly updating the store, so we may add or remove payment methods in the future.

    For PayPal, our team is currently working on getting this approved but at this time, it's not yet available. You should see it soon though!

    What is Xsolla?
    Xsolla is the company that helped us build and run the Heckfire Web Store! You will see references to them in your email receipts and a few other places. If you need any help though, it is best to contact us with a Help Ticket in-game!

    What about security?
    Xsolla is utilized by many developers in the industry (Ubisoft, Epic Games, Roblox to name a few) and comes with top of the line security. Xsolla works as a payment gateway connecting you with the payment methods you know and trust! This way you can feel safe knowing where your info is going and that it's confidential.

    Will there be more there in the future?
    Yes, you betcha!


    How do I get help?
    With the Heckfire Web Store we have way more tools at our disposal if you run into trouble! If you have any issues, write a Help Ticket in-game and we'll get you sorted.

    You can also tap the 'Contact Us' button at the bottom of your receipt to get in touch with the Xsolla Support team directly!💜

    Do I have to make an account?
    Nope, use your existing ATA ID and Password to login. Purchases made through the Heckfire Web Store will go directly to the account associated with your ATA ID.

    Why can't I login with my password?
    If you get an error message logging in, you may need a longer password. You can update your password in game or by following this link.

    Why can't I login with my email link?
    We do not have email link enabled for the Heckfire Web Store. You'll need to setup a password for your account by going here.

    Why was my purchase cancelled?
    There are a few reasons a purchase may get cancelled:

    1. Incorrect payment details were entered.
    Using the wrong expiry, cvv, billing address, name, etc. will stop your payment.
    2. The purchase method you are using doesn't match your location.
    If you are using a VPN it may give you some trouble at checkout, try turning it off while you purchase.
    3. Your purchase triggered an Anti-Fraud measure.
    This is normal with a new store and is to protect both you and us from fraud. 🙂

    In each case, please wait a day before trying the same payment method again. In the meantime, feel free to try another payment method and you may get rewarded with extra perks like loyalty points or cash back!

    Why can't I place a purchase in my region?
    Some players may not be able to use the Heckfire Web Store based on where it detects they are located, this can often be due to the local rules or regulations. We are currently reviewing how we can help here!
    #1 [ATA]Todd, Oct 20, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
    VannyMcVanface likes this.
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