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010 Binary Warriors

Discussion in 'Clans' started by IAmTitan, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. IAmTitan

    IAmTitan New Citizen

    Apr 3, 2018
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    Hey have you transferred from another realm? Have you wanted to? Join Realm 26.

    I want to grow an established clan with friendly players in this realm due to not fitting it other clans, I’m 175m might and growing and want to share my success and happiness with you all. We will all be English speaking.

    I’d like to get to know you and if you’d consider my clan I’m in top 40 just by myself and I’m looking for like minded people that just want me to keep out of drama and play the game to enjoy themselves.

    The clan tag is 010 Binary Warriors and I’d love for you message me on here or put in a join request.

    Your welcome to join and we can grow together! 💪


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