⚡️Introducing Wattz!⚡️ From the murky depths of the Thunder Swamp emerges Wattz, the Electric Eel Dragon with a charge that's always set to ""high voltage."" With scales that shimmer like a disco ball and a tail that could power a small town, Wattz is the life of the underwater party...if you’re into a party that might leave your hair permanently standing on end. His idea of fun is streaking through the sky during a thunderstorm, lighting up the clouds like nature’s own neon sign. If you ever need a spark in your life, just call Wattz. Biome: Raid Class: Epic Wattz Attributes: Ferocious Mermolga Minion Hunter Ferocious Mermolga Titan Hunter Ferocious Mermolga Boss Hunter Swift Raider Raid Rallier Gold Glutton (R) Raid Relic Pillager Raid Determination Please remember to start any Wattz Dragon Story Quests before growing Angus!