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Always Need More Diamonds

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Justbub, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. Justbub

    Justbub New Citizen

    Apr 13, 2018
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    I’m pretty new at this game...on level 7. Seem to have tons of food and ore, struggle but manage with gold, but don’t know how to get enough diamonds without purchasing them - which I don’t want to do. What suggestions do you successful players have, please?!
  2. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    You can get gems for free by attacking and Killing the monsters in the realm. Also from titans (when you are at a higher level, not now)
    Go out and slay some monsters. It helps to be in a clan that buys pints. If at first, you can't afford to buy it daily, you'll have to settle for one that's more lax, but if you're actively killing monsters, you should be able to afford 1k gems a day to buy the pints when you get to a higher townhall and can kill higher level monsters IF you're in a clan that actually buys them daily.
    The more strict they are about buying pints, the better. You'll have to do some research to try to get the cost of hitting monsters down, because until you do, it'll probably cost you more energy than you're making if you have to spend a lot per hit. And it's good to try to kill the monster in 4 hits rather than in 5. Even if you have to send 1 march at a time...(it's estimated that you get like 43 energy per person who buys. You can get 25, 50, 100 or 250 energy pints randomly, but the odds of each are different, so that's about how much drasyl (the guy who always knows the stats of like everything) estimated it to be. I hope I recalled his estimate correctly.

    And don't waste your gems on things you don't need. IF you're trying to save gems, don't waste them speeding up things like troops, buildings etc. Think about it every time you think you want to spend them. When you get more gems more frequently, you can spend on more things, but still with caution. Pay attention to how many gems you get in a monster kill. Check how much it costs to hit each monster. (You're on level 2's right now, so I don't know how many gems you get per kill) I know I could get 80-100 gems from killing a level 3 (when you hit TH9, you can research that level) So I average that to 90 gems per kill. and I'd need 11.1 kills to get to 1k gems.

    Try your hardest to get on often enough to hit monsters with the energy that regenerates. Do some research on monster hunting. You'll want the cap up so you can hold more energy, you'll want the efficiency up also so it costs less to hit the monsters, and you'll want the production boost up so you can get energy at a faster rate. You can set a timer to come back to the game when your energy is set to be full again. That helps. Also doing events whenever you can. At your level, you'll probably have to kill 12 monsters a day to make 1k gems. Maybe more. How many monsters do you usually kill a day? Once you have enough research and your monsters start costing less and you get more gems per kill, it'll be way easier to get 1k gems a day to buy clan pints and to be able to be in a clan that requires you to buy them daily. Being in one of those is good because you'll get energy so you can hit monsters, but you'll also have to be making enough gems so you can sustain that.
    I've seen myself get 110-128 gems on a level 4 monster kill. So I average that to 119 gems per kill, and I'd need 8.4 (so 9) kills to get to 1k gems.

    And now at level 7 monsters, I'm getting 200-219 gems per kill (or that's how much I noticed) so I'll average that at 209.5 gems per kill, so I need to kill 4.7 (5) monsters a day to reach 1k gems.

    So the higher up you are, the easier it'll be for you to get gems and be in a clan that requires you to buy pints daily. Try to use your free energy to your benefit. if you 3-star events, you can get some gems too (not a lot, but a few is better than none.)

    It goes up to lvl 9, and I don't know the numbers for the higher levels, but you get the idea.
    Justbub likes this.

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