Please change the way selecting army sizes for the marches work nearly every single clan does 1% min hits on crabs so that they last longer and thus more resources for the clan using the sliders is so time consuming and frustrating as its inaccurate and often skips past the desired amount make it so we can either manually key in the desired amount similar to how we can choose an ally price Or even better make a new button that auto selects/copies the last march used eg i set my match to 150k strengh off they go . new button pops up eg reuse last march i hit the button it auto sets the march to be the same obv would be a bit harder to do this method as you devs would need to change the amount depending on what dragons were used but its not difficult please implement this
This topic has been brought up numerous times. ATA just needs to implement the ability to auto-fill marches to minimal damage. It would pretty much use the same programming used for a max hit. All they have to do is change it to auto-fill up to the minimal hit instead max. Yet again a change that ATA is neglecting to give us. On the flip side, I would also love to see hit rewards granted based on % damage done instead of making it so we have to min hit for max rewards... Example: A min hit (1%) gives 10 random dragon chow and 1-3 relics. A max hit (3%) would give 30 random dragon chow and 3-9 relics.