As leader of my clan....and a darn good one! MSH The 4077! We were 8th in realm 12 before they tossed in the barbarians from realm 13....but anyways....i would love to see a tool i can click that shows a statistical list of all my members and thier activity. Play tjme in past 24/48/72 hours. A button to click to see thier player stats (the same ones i see when i click my avatar). And a miggt gain chart of some sort to see thier daily might gains. I believe this would allow the clan leadera to better manage thier clans and become a more well oiled machine. It would allow a leader or VP if they had it too to get the info they need without asking thier people all this info....and we need an outbox to see all pre ious sent messages along with a message all feature to send everyone in the clan a message at same time.