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Clan Quest Points help

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by ConfusedToddler, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. ConfusedToddler

    ConfusedToddler New Citizen

    Mar 22, 2018
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    My clannies and I are having a bit of trouble trying to calculate exactly how to figure out how many points hitting a monster node will give you. That way we can advise new/lower level people on how to get at least 100k in Daily Clan Quest. Could someone give us a definitive answer. We’re going mental. 😂 Thanks guys.
  2. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    It depends on the monster level they attack AND also on how many hits it takes them to kill a monster.

    Like for me. Let's say I am hitting a level 7 monster and I can kill it in 4 hits.
    - Every hit of the monster gives me 500 points per level.
    -It's a level 7 monster, so:
    ~ 500 x 7=3,500

    - Every time I destroy a monster, I also get 2,500 per level.
    -It's a level 7 monster, so:
    ~ 2,500 x 7=17,500

    -I hit the monster 4 times, so:
    ~ 4 x 3,500=14,000

    -And the kill gets me another 17,500 points, so:
    ~ 14,000 + 17,500 = 31,500
  3. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    So let's do a sample battle.

    In my daily clan contest, while doing this test, I started with 673,000 points

    I hit the monster once for 3, 500 points each time 4 times, and also got a bonus of 17,500 points for that kill shot
    So, the last hit got me 17,500 + 3,500 = 21,000

    673,000 + 3,500 = 676,500
    676,500 + 3,500 = 680,000
    680,000 + 3,500 = 683,500
    683,500 + 21,000 = 704, 500

    #3 Hermione, Apr 7, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2018

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