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Recruiting Members Hermits Refuge

Discussion in 'Recruitment Board' started by LazersgoPEW, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. LazersgoPEW

    LazersgoPEW New Citizen

    Apr 16, 2018
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    Hi everyone! My name is LazersgoPEW though you can just call me lazer. I'm a part of the awesome and incredibly active clan 'Hermits Refuge'. we are a clan of 50 with a total might of around 80m right now. we have a kind and helpful staff who are online often along with a fine group of clan mates. we have a vast amount of knowledge for the game and its tactics as well as help for those new to the game. if you wish to join them please by all means send me a message in game preferably or here if you would like and I'd be more than happy to welcome you to the clan. at the moment we are a public clan but due to our daily inactive player kicks we will soon make it private and invite only. lucky for you I am part of the recruitment and welcome team. Thanks for reading and please do stop by.

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