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Clan Spotlight [IXI] Ixion

Discussion in 'Clans' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 17, 2017.

  1. [ATA]Grant

    A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Welcome to our next Clan Spotlight.

    Each of these posts will focus on a different clan in the world of Heckfire and will allow that clan and its members to show off what makes them unique.

    Today we'll hear from [IXI] Ixion.

    Does your clan have a mission statement? If so, what is it?
    Get Cultural Learnings of realm 2 for make great benefit to glorious nation of IXI.

    How would you describe your clan?
    my vision for this clan is to be selfless, as well as teamwork and objective oriented. to fight when u can gain something, not to be petty and waste your resources(troops/gems) just to cause problems for someone you don't like

    How did your clan start?
    My friend invited me to play this game. at first it was just for luls then we got addicted to it.

    What are your entrance requirements?
    we dont have a might requirement. we have a clan participation quota of 700k. oh yeah. and swear loyalty to the supreme admiral general samongtheus.

    How do you guys keep in touch?
    we use discord. useful for pinging. can segregate different topics. great chatting app for many members.

    Are you part of any unofficial alliances?
    we have a really good relationship with FTN. they're a bunch of awesome people and their leader is really good. she takes responsibility for her clan's actions. we came into the game with the mindset of no allies since its really useless but it's nice to have them on our side.

    What's your favourite thing to do as a clan?
    we love doing all together. group raids. ally trading. clan events. calculating sniping the titans. 😃

    What's your best clan experience so far?
    the first pvp event. we assigned 2-3 people per hive to maximize the pts. but in the end we were the only clan that even participated. we became the most hated clan in RC later that day.

    Any tips for new players?
    find a good active clan. it doesnt have to be the strongest. its nice to have people who support u. cheers u on when u do something right. help u out. learn new about the game together

    Anything else you'd like to share?
    hi chicky. sorry for zeroing half your clan
    Cecily, Gnarledoak, Dooderino and 2 others like this.

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