This question has probably been asked before, but I haven’t been able to find any specific info. How do I earn monster chests and clan pints? I get a monster chest occasionally, but it is very random. Others in my clan seem to earn many. Same with the clan pint - where do they come from?
You can earn monster chests by completely destroying realm monsters. However, there still isn't a 100% chance of a chest dropping when you destroy a realm monster. Clan pints are bought with gems through the in-game shop. There are 2 types of pints and you can purchase 1 of each per day. The person who buys the pin will receive benefits in addition to sending a pint to everyone in their clan.
You get notified. (At least in-game, not sure about a pop up on your phone.) But you have tons of time to collect clan pints.
I know this isn't directly related to the OP, but what's with the star next to chests that you yourself receive from the realm? Or does it just signify that you earned that chest? (Even though your name is sitting right there with it)