It's very tedious to send the same message to 50 different people. It would be very helpful if the clan owner and VP's had the ability to select all or select a few recipients at one time to send a specific message to. Would be much more efficient!
This has been suggested many times already and based on the popularity it's gained, it will most likely be added as a feature in the future.
Definitely an idea we've seen, and one that's worth looking into as we continue to evolve the game. The only big issue I can see is that it would make spamming groups of players much easier.
Allow people to "friend" or "follow" eachother. Then make it so that you can only send out mass messages to people who are either friends with you or in your clan. Problem solved!
Yep, definitely one option. Though would mean we have to build out a friend system, which is also not a bad idea