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Announcement New Dragon! Marshal Arrives In The Realm!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Todd, Jan 22, 2021.

  1. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Despite the “best efforts” of the “Highly qualified” town guards, Heckfire can be a lawless place. Nowhere is this more apparent than the badlands, where ruffians roam the streets in the light of the midday sun and skeletons don’t even obey the laws of life and death! While some of this can probably be chalked up to a justice system that once tried to get actual kangaroos to serve on a jury and that only ever seems interested in prosecuting Todd (Who, no matter how many times we tar and feather him, keeps coming back.) it remains a fact that not a lot of folks in Heckfire are actually very good at laying down the law. But that’s all about to change. Off in the distance a stranger is rollin’ on into town, ready to dispense some justice in the bloodiest way possible. There’s a new sheriff in town!

    Introducing Marshal!


    The Rootin’est, tootin’est nightmare inducin’est Dragon ever to roam the sunbaked plains, Marshal stands ready to clean up this here town, (as well as the surrounding municipalities and rural subsidiaries) through the measured application of over-the-top violence. Known far and wide as a stalwart defender of those in need, his legend once even earned him a lucrative Sarsaparilla endorsement deal, but in the end he was forced to turn it down to instead roam the badlands dispensing his own brand...of justice! Whether this Skeleton Faced Dragon is facing off with Skeletons in the field or dueling ne’er do wells in the heat of the high noon sun, Marshal is not only a defender of prosperity and peace but a shining example to all. Join Marshal as he roams the badland plains and start laying down the law today!

    Master Skeleton Hunter - Bonus power when attacking Skeletons

    The dead are supposed to stay in the ground goshdarnit, no wonder the soil in the badlands is so awful! Grind Skeletons into nutritious bone meal with Marshal!

    Expert Defender - Bonus to defense on all biomes

    Marshal might know the frontiers the best, but is pretty sure the basic principles of defense apply anywhere. Marshal receives an additional bonus when defending on any biome.

    Master Badlands Defender - Bonus to defense on badlands tiles

    Nobody locks down a border town like Marshal and once he digs in you’re not getting him outta there! Receive an additional bonus to defending on the badlands. Keep out the riffraff with Marshal!

    Lava Defender - Bonus to defense on Lava tiles

    Not only does Marshal bring the heat, but he can also take the heat and run with it. Hold onto the hot seat for dear life with Marshal's bonus to defense on Lava.

    Badlands Relic Retriever - Bonus to looted relic drops

    There’s relics in them thar hills! Or possibly just behind the next cactus. Who knows? Marshal does, that’s who! Marshal’s eagle eye will help you find more relics on marches he is involved in. Bring home the best souvenirs from your hunts with Marshal!

    Draconic Determination II - Passive bonus to gained dragon experience

    Marshal is so doggone impressive that other dragons want his autograph. Inspire your other dragons with Marshal's bonus to gained dragon experience.

    Solar and Kikuuuu like this.
  2. CyrisForever

    CyrisForever New Citizen

    Oct 8, 2020
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  3. CyberSkull

    CyberSkull Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Ooof stop it! That's really annoying STOP with all new epics! All other dragons became useless 😡😡 Why don't u make some good rare or common? It's really annoying every meta new dragon! How the hell can we focus on those drags?? Even if we buy all the offers we can never rank them up to better because You Always make new and new dragons, stop it!! Stop ruining the game, we spend money anyway!That better be LAST epic dragon 🐉
    ProfessorDaddy, Derpie, MiMi and 6 others like this.
  4. Pixelscript

    Pixelscript New Citizen

    Jan 17, 2021
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    should i say 2nd?
  5. Rottencorpse

    Rottencorpse New Citizen

    Jan 13, 2019
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  6. Da_Unk

    Da_Unk New Citizen

    Jul 24, 2018
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    I couldn’t agree more. They are making the game annoying with new drags.
    IxamxEmpire likes this.
  7. ProfessorDaddy

    ProfessorDaddy Liked Citizen

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Time to pay your subscription fee to compete in the game, kids!
  8. TheNoob

    TheNoob New Citizen

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Gotta love spending 15k stamps to get Petra to r20 to beef up your wall, just to have a dragon for beefing up you wall released. Sigh. I’m so over these new drags. Spending 10$ for event invite, then 16$ for drags each Meta. Gets old quick.
    ProfessorDaddy likes this.
  9. Rottencorpse

    Rottencorpse New Citizen

    Jan 13, 2019
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  10. Rottencorpse

    Rottencorpse New Citizen

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Dont worry takes badland chows and relics i ranked last event and saved new epic stamps....so i jumped on opportunity. Pretty bad as attack Marshal has.
  11. Rottencorpse

    Rottencorpse New Citizen

    Jan 13, 2019
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    A new biome would be a reason to make 5-6 new dragons but i dont see any other reason why they kept going past 1st set of epic dragons.
  12. CyberSkull

    CyberSkull Citizen

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Yes, just understood. Im not angry anymore 😂
  13. DJ_GoldRock

    DJ_GoldRock Citizen

    Sep 6, 2019
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    Ok I kind of agree with this for once! Yes I get tired of seeing all these players complain & whine about every little thing you guys put out.. I mean for Pete’s sake it’s nice to have new .. it keeps it fresh.. but he’s right... do some common or uncommon ones.. I mean yes I spend but try to even it out for all the players.. I for one love having all the different dragons and if you are going to have this many dragons.. you need to set up like a Coliseum event, where you do a PVP say 5 on 5 and or 3 on 3 where dragons go up against each other.. just dragons.. you can open up new abilities with research and run it to where every day depending on where you finish.. you get rewards(Maybe gems and gold..non paid event lol) kind of like what lords mobile does! Just a thought! I will admit.. I do like this new Dragon LOL but start introducing some non-epic ones! Please 😀
    FastLUCKY13 likes this.

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