I play other building styled strategy games and I notice when high level, top tier, players can move from server to server (realm in this case) they end up with a really unbalanced advantage. One of my most favorite and frustrating games has a cap that changes in each server. The cap is based on the highest player’s strength and the algorithm used to calculate it. Keeps the player ability a little more manageable in my mind. Just a thought. I honestly haven’t thought to change serves so that may already be in place. Just an idea.
It’s in place already 😁, although the algorithm is really simple (player might), so still may have some advantages of moving realms
Well it isnt so much al algorithm as it is a choice by ATA. They keep the cap for each realm around the strength of the 50th or 100th strongest player in the realm. This means if you arent one of the strongest players in the realm, someone bigger than you can transfer in. After that cap reaches around 2.5b, ATA deems the realm to be "open" and allows those 10b players to come run that realm. Overall i think a realm should never be 100% open, but ATA wants to give the top players a choice of which realm to bully. 👍😂