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Stop letting big player moving to realm

Discussion in 'Realm Discussion' started by RyzaLJr, Dec 9, 2017.


Is this game very fair to new player ?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. RyzaLJr

    RyzaLJr Citizen

    Dec 3, 2017
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    It unfair we just start to play this game but already got hit from 300M might player whole clan got scouted from big might player ATA please do your job properly
  2. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Are you guys still complaining about chucknorris? He and few friends started at the same time. Some got put in your realm, some in other realms. He asked to be moved and it took ata a few weeks to do the transfer. When he requested it, he was really small. They just took a while to do it.
    He is not an older account. He has been playing for the same amount of time as many of you, He paid money to be where he is now. It wasn't his fault they took so long to do the transfer.
    People pay money, they grow faster.
    The game allows you to spend. THAT'S the ONLY reason he's so big.

    Haha, if you complain about him, you should see our realm. The difference between our top player and the 2nd place is a little over a billion might...

    I'm not 200M might yet. TOP 10 in my realm are heavy spenders, I'm talking about over 4 thousand dollars spent already. Top 10 is 1 billion might at LEAST. Top Player is 3 billion might.

    Haha, don't believe me, look up Donno in the ally section.

    I made a guide on how not to lose troops or resources. Free ways. If you follow those, you won't be in as much trouble as you are in now. Donno scouts me every day, multiple times a day. I get scouts from so many people a day, but for the most part, they don't attack. Why???
    Well, for 1, I hid my troops, 2 I don't have resources above my protected capacity. I have a guide WITH PICTURES on this that you probably should read.

    The transfer wasn't unfair. He just happens to be a spender. If you don't spend as much as he does, you shouldn't expect to be the number 1 player.

    If you do what I say in my guide, you should be safe to grow and safe from losses from him. Even if he attacks you, as long as you don't have anything to lose, you will be safe.

    1 thing...if you're not shielded, you will want to keep an eye on your allies. Even if after someone buys your ally, you don't collect the gold, that gold isn't safe. Even though they can't see uncollected ally gold in scout reports, or that they destroyed it in battle reports, they can still inadvertently destroy ally gold while randomly attacking you. Soooo do keep an eye on your allies if you are not shielded.

    and DO check out my guide on how to protect your troops and resources. It'll tell you how to find out your protected caps and ways you can defend yourself so you won't feel so bad having a 300M might in your realm. If he gets nothing from you, he will just be wasting his time by attacking you.

    LINK ==> Here's the guide. <== LINK
  3. ZReaper

    ZReaper Citizen

    Dec 11, 2017
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    So after reading this reply I changed my vote from fair to unfair. Whether or not who's "fault" it is the guy wasn't transferred is irrelevant. The fact that people who spend....sorry waste, hundreds, oh wait, THOUSANDS of dollars make the game pointless and not worth playing. I never really played role playing games or online games with other live people before this. Gave it a go and it sucked me in. At first anyway. The whole structure is quite flawed when people are thrown into realms and have to struggle to learn things the hard way and figure out all the nuances without a whole lot of insight coming from the game rules initially. Pretty much what it comes down to is sure it's free but if you want to enjoy yourself at all you have to spend 5-10 bucks a day. With most games you purchase there's a point. An ultimate end you are striving for. What is it with this game? What is the point? What exactly are we all striving for? How do you win? Just to say look at me and my might? Make clans and attack weaker players? YA know it's really been getting harder to figure out what's to like about this game for someone like myself who's not interested in spending a bunch of money. The further into it you get the game becomes less and less fun and more and more dealing with nonsense. One small example. The liquid energy. Why so expensive or time consuming to acquire? Oh and don't make a mistake and attack the wrong group of monsters. Like how the game has level 3 right on top of level 4, you hit the wrong one and not until the March do you see what you've done. Simply recall the attack right? YA fine, but you're not getting the energy back. WHAT!?! I don't care what the reason is because it's nonsense. Where do I find this out before wasting 800 gems worth of energy. I still haven't found that list of game rules. Final thought. It's a fun game for a day or two but after that it's not free anymore. Not enjoyable and free anyway
  4. SalmonCanyon

    SalmonCanyon Liked Citizen

    Nov 26, 2017
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    The only solution should be incentive to attack people closer in might.

    This whole “burn the little guy” is so obnoxious. You log in to see the 30m might player get hit 30 times by the time 100m player. Thing shouldn’t be possible at all unless the player they’re zeroing is under realm wrath or within 25% might. (100m player can’t endlessly attack a player lower than 75m for RSS or kills) plenty of games have measures to prevent this senseless flexing and abusing and limiting of growth of the smaller players there is no reason this one doesn’t have the same ones.
  5. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    While I agree with your concerns about bigger players hitting smaller players there are plenty of defensive mechanisms in place for the defender to remain protected.

    1. create a ghost rally (a 8hr rally on an inactive player) where any troops participating in the rally can not be killed when someone attacks your kingdom.
    2. shield
    3. bail troops to a person in your clan who is shielded, most top clans track in there clan announcement who has a long shield (1 2 3 day long shields)
    4. stay undercap on resources and troops, if you are below your hospital cap your troops can’t be killed

    There is also meant to be risk, the only thing you can lose in this game are troops (which are meant to be used as bullets) and through destroyed ally gold. Learn the mechanics of the game, ask questions here or in the forums, and act upon peoples suggestions. The developers have tailored it to be a very forgiving game.


    The end game feature that Derek is talking about in the screen shot is the shrines and strongholds located in the center island.
    #5 Tiashue, Jan 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    StuckySugar69 and Just_A_Ghost like this.
  6. SalmonCanyon

    SalmonCanyon Liked Citizen

    Nov 26, 2017
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    None of those solutions are at all reasonable.

    Have 5 min to send out gathering? Recall from rally, spend gems to cancel it, suddenly limited even further just to avoid someone that shouldn’t be able to hurt you anyways.

    Your troops hidden under shield? Gotta recall them from that guy and sent to gather, nodes attacked by someone that should be greatly discouraged from doing that.

    Stay under cap, just don’t grow, amazing solution.

    Constantly shield(costs money they if you had you’d be a larger player anyways) and don’t participate in events that require it down or gathering on nodes that are exposed.

    The discord suggested isn’t even a good one as proven by the most recent event.

    All the top players join the top 1-2 clans to avoid any competiton, this allows them to prop up their weaker allies to win events to prevent competing clans and growing members from ever threatening them.

    Unless they’re going to start doing realm merges by taking 4 realms and merging the bottom 50% of players together while sending the top 50% to the other realm then you’ll just keep seeing this repeat while it’s just A constant series of “just git gud” responses to any player annoyed that they’re in an situation that they shouldn’t be in.
  7. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    I expected a response like that, I should have been more explicit in my original response. But I agree with Derek. The less restrictions placed on players the better. Having a defender to weak mechanic prevents the social aspect of the game from developing.

    They are not solutions. These are things that everyone should instinctively be doing. The problem with a lot of the realms is they simply do not know how to deal with PvP actions, and defend themselves.

    Someone that should not be able to hurt you anyways? What is the point of growing if you can not hit stronger and stronger people? I agree with your original statement about big LB players hitting small people with minimal damages because of how strong they are. In order to minimize this the developers have capped the amount of loses (injuries and deaths) for the defender when the attackers strength passes a certain threshold. I also promise you, that the loses defenders face now are far more forgiving then what they were in beta, the entire game has been tweaked to allow the defender more time to react.

    To give an example, on December 12th StormBlessed killed 1.847million of Japman's troops (to provide a bit of context for why he did this, we are at war with Japman's clan, iG). There was a 1.9-2bil might difference between them. It took Storm, using four marches over an hour to kill all of Japman's troops, and over 300 individual actions. This is an extreme example of the third most powerful player in the game attacking a vastly smaller player. This show's some of the limits in place, if a smaller person in my clan were to hit Japman, he would have killed a higher amount of troops per attack because the strength of his, and Japman's dragons are similar.

    Not quite sure what you are talking about here.
    • If you are saying people should be discouraged form attacking people on nodes you are mistaken. Node attacks are the only place were the attacker is guaranteed to kill troops.
    • If you are saying it is cumbersome to have to send, recall, send, recall, send I think you are playing the wrong game.
    Haha, that is not at all what I am saying. There are ways to get around all of this. You can have a clan bank, put on a shield if you are doing an expensive upgrade, get clanmates to send you some resources if you are getting close to an upgrade. As far as staying undercap on troops that is up to you as a player, troops have always been meant to be used as bullets, expendable, in my original post to you I outlined several methods of ensuring the safety of your troops.

    This game is not meant to be fought using foam swords. There should always be risk with this type of game, the best thing you can do is learn how to better protect yourself, ask questions, learn new strategies, or create your own strategy.

    The most recent event is not what Derek was talking about. He was talking about the shrines and stronghold located on the center islands.

    I agree with you, it can be unfortunate when this happens. All the top clans forming an alliance with each other is stupid, I am in favor of anything that prevents this but preventing bigs from attacking smalls is not the answer.

    This sounds reasonable, but would split clans apart. I am also in favor of providing incentives to make people migrate to stronger realms on their own accord.

    The first realm merge was a disaster, a large portion of people that were merged into realm one quit within the first couple weeks. The developers could definitely do a better job with realm transfer.
    #7 Tiashue, Jan 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    StuckySugar69 likes this.
  8. Sagerous

    Sagerous New Citizen

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Anyone here can explain to me what does food production cap and ore production cap mean?
  9. Tiashue


    Aug 31, 2017
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    @Hermione responded to this on discord, here is her message verbatim,

    “Your quarry produces ore for free for you as long as you don't go over that production cap. Most people are over it already, so it's usually worthless for them...but yeah. If you ever get down to say 0 ore, watch as your ore goes up and you'll notice that when you hit a certain number, it stops going up by itself. That's the production cap. Can't have your food and ore just producing free food and ore forever.
    Lol, now you got an answer in all the channels where you asked that question. 😉”
  10. ButterBean

    ButterBean Liked Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    ATA have already set max limits per realm, for those wishing to transfer must be below these limits. Also I believe that these limits are below top 100 on LB in all realms. The huge accs that you are referring to are most likely paying players, you cannot expect ata to stop people paying...
  11. _WAR_

    _WAR_ New Citizen

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Hi, Iam an alcoholic , and dragonbritt likes cookies
    Greenmtn likes this.
  12. Mathdebater

    Mathdebater New Citizen

    Sep 19, 2017
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    Sorry to burst bubbles here, but if you know game mechanics, it doesn’t matter how big or small you are ! People can take resources from someone who doesn’t have them or kill troops that aren’t there to kill! Once you learn this you’ll realize that everyone is fair game ✌️
  13. Shorr

    Shorr New Citizen

    Nov 27, 2017
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    There are hit caps in KAW and it works well. A huge player can’t hit a tiny player and vice versa. I just watched a clanmates get almost zeroed by some top players. The rationale? “They just wanted to zero people.” No RSS, no provocation. A clanmate got zeroed earlier this week and rage quit the game for the same thing. I understand this is a fighting game but when smaller clans realize they are nothing more than chum for big players to feed on, they will quit. The community and game will die. There needs to be an incentive for big players to compete otherwise they just get bored and ruin smaller players’ experience.

    There needs to be a mechanic in place for the big players to compete and there needs to be a way for smaller players and clans to grow. Mergers don’t help anyone but the big players. The current merge system doesn’t work. Within a few days all the top clans have NAPs, alliances, and mergers with each other and simply beat on the smaller clans. Splitting the players by might, level, etc will cause big problems by splitting up clans. Instead of a full out realm merger the should split the top 1-5 clans in each realm out and merge them together. Then split the top 5-10 clans and merge them...etc-and contnue. That way the clans won’t be split up and players will be placed accordingly into a new realm with their clans intact and at an appropriate level of competition. I think the game will become much more interesting and fun when players are at a somewhat more equal level after a merge.
    Valara, Stickninja, navkat and 3 others like this.
  14. ILikePie

    ILikePie New Citizen

    Jan 9, 2018
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    We are being camped out by the highest level clan and we are only starting out we have one person level 19 but most are 13/14. We can’t kill monsters, cannot gather resources, and if you don’t have a shield we are being attacked just to be attacked. This has been going on for days. The big clans are all allied together so we can’t even try to get people to help us. There is not even a point in playing the game any longer because we can’t level up.
    Stickninja, caitikitten and Shorr like this.
  15. Exceptthisnameor

    Exceptthisnameor New Citizen

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Just got hit by a level 50 player , I thought they were supposed to be monitored to keep this from happening. Shows how much the makers care I am about to uninstall . What's the point to this game you spend weeks of your time building up just to get attack while your off line
  16. Exceptthisnameor

    Exceptthisnameor New Citizen

    Jan 26, 2018
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    I've been hit many times by player who are way more powerfull, according to the code of conduct this is not supposed to happen, but the powers that be ,do nothing .how do you report this? They need to make it easier to report
  17. RubberxDucky


    Sep 1, 2017
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    There is nothing against this in the code of conduct....
    Hermione and MOAR2 like this.
  18. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    WOAH!!! When did they put level 50 players in the game??? They must be HUUUGGGEEEE!
    Ok, seriously, they only go up to TH25, so I don't see how you got hit by someone who was townhall 50. Do you mean 50 million might? Or something?

    And you can grow, you'll just have to learn how to protect yourself. If you have troops over your hospital capacity, hide them in other people's shields...know what? I actually have a link to a post about how to protect yourself, so rather than re-writing, I'll just post a link to it right here <== LINK
    Read that and you will know how to protect yourself better. It has pictures.
    WendyTestaburger likes this.
  19. navkat

    navkat Citizen

    Jan 8, 2018
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    This. ALL. OF. THIS.

    Also: what is KAW? Because I think I'd rather play that.
  20. navkat

    navkat Citizen

    Jan 8, 2018
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    My biggest gripe is with the big clans using the small clans to beat down a Titan then poaching for last hit and ALL of the troves.

    It's pretty simple: resources=power. This is a fact. And if those with power can and do consistently prevent the lower clans and players from obtaining any, it's essentially game-over.

    My main function in this game is now to spend all of my brews to beat Titans down to 20% for bigger players to get last hit and collect all the jewels. That's it. I spent my jewels so they can get more jewels.

    I'm already past frustrated and starting to just feel bored because there's literally no excitement in this anymore; it's formulaic: I beat monster, then I get nothing. If I attempt to take a node, I get punished.

    I'll be darned if I'm going to let these bullies get another DIME of my actual MONEY for this service my participation in this algorithm provides them.

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