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  1. soolee
    Gah,so tired.
  2. ThatsANoFromMe
    ThatsANoFromMe [ATA]Grant
    Can I please have a reply to the ticket from the 14th? No reply in game, no email back.
  3. _WAR_
    Tooth and scale rewards where complete trash
  4. _Mastebeta_
    what is wrong
  5. EyePoopedToDAY
    Quitting KOH...%72
  6. ThaBiGGDoGG
    This Last Update Sucks!!!
  7. Sno_Queen
    Sno_Queen [ATA]Grant
    I need help.... I placed a 24h shield last night at midnight... just went to game 45 mins ago shields down and I'm zeroed.... hhmmm my shields not due to go down till midnight...
    Who do I contact as thos is totally wrong....
  8. GONchan
    GONchan fluffles
    I'm happy to meet you here!
    But it's a terrible bug!
  9. OhToodles
    Cant log on! Plz fix this problem!
  10. Jesseroberts
    Way you don’t bring back the meego village game was a great game
  11. Lal00
  12. Purp_LordZo
    Purp Lord here👋🏽
    1. BabyYodaOG likes this.
  13. AlphaGuenther007
    Can i Go in annother world ?
    1. _WAR_
      No....stay where your momma birthed u
      Sep 5, 2019
  14. Lotusblossom
    Wishing I had what I bought!
  15. Kinggarvit
    I think there should be language translator thing for realm chat
  16. _HaDez_
    UGH over it President
  17. _HaDez_
    (Ugh) over it President
  18. CosmicMist
    CosmicMist Widdle
    Hi we are looking for members to join our clan in realm 88 please let me know if you are interested thank you and have a great day 😃😃😃
  19. SMiiDG3
  20. Tina1