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Tips For Resource/Troop Protection

Discussion in 'Battle Tactics' started by Hermione, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Tips for Troop/Resource Protection

    Are you Being Farmed? Do you find yourself being attacked and all of your resources taken and your troops killed? Don’t fear, here are some tips for you!!! (I got most of these pictures from a previous reset, but the pictures are still relevant.) (If you have TIPS to add, add a comment)

    1. Look at your resource protected capacity (view your profile and scroll to “Resources” section and look at the numbers you see there. In this example:
      1. Gold Protected Cap, Food Protected Cap and Ore Protected cap are 872K x the 25.3% bonus cap (I got from research) making my total cap 1,076,920. If your gold food and/or ore are over the protected capacity, someone could scout you and see this, and they will attack you for it, no matter how small you are, or how much bigger than you they are. It’s free resources. Don’t let yourself be caught unshielded and over capacity.

      2. Increase the Resource Protected Cap by Upgrading your Townhall and Building and Upgrading Treasuries. These will make you able to safely protect more resources. Research adds a percentage to the protected cap (as shown in the calculations in the image. Protected Cap times 1 + the percent in decimal form. In my example, 23.5% would make me multiply my Capacity by 1 + 0.235 or 1.235.)


    Here's where you can do research to increase your protected cap bonus.

    1. Troops: You want to keep these under your hospital and garrison capacity. To find this capacity, look in the same player profile, but scroll down a little further. You can see the Garrison Cap right now is 5 (increase this with research) the Hospital Cap is 38.9k (increased with research and upgrading your hospital and building/upgrading your wards). That means that if someone attacks you, you should be mostly safe from losing all of your troops. In this example You DON’T want to train over your capacity. (38.9k troops that are generally safe in this example.) If they have a higher troop lethality than you do, you will still lose some troops. There is also a base lethality (2% subject to change with testing)

    1. If you train over your hospital capacity and garrison capacity, you will take the risk of losing all of those who are over that capacity if you go to sleep without protecting them. Once your hospital is filled with injuries, your troops will start to die. There are no more beds in your hospital to hold them, so they can’t be treated. That’s why it’s suggested that you stay under those protective capacities to stay safe. Your troops are like ammunition (bullets) used for war. They are replaceable. They get injured, they die, you build more. It happens. Don’t get too attached to them.

    2. One way to protect the troops you do have is to shield. Shielding protects your troops and resources. You also need to have shields to actually use them. Do dragon quests daily to get some for free. Different ones require you to hit different monster biome types (grasslands/badlands/swamp) Pay attention.

    1. If you don’t have shields, you need to get a little more creative. Stay under Resource protected capacity!!! If you’re over it, you deserve to lose whatever gets taken.

    2. Now that you are under resource protected capacity, you can start getting creative with troop protection. You are allowed to send troops to hide out in other people’s Cities. Take advantage of players who are shielded. Ask them how long they have left in their shield and send as many troops to “defend” them as possible. Even better if you can leave no more than 5k (or whatever your garrison cap) troops total in your city. The garrison cap is 100% protected from death and injury. Research the “City Defender March Cap” under Army Strength to get a bigger amount of troops you can send.

    1. Another way you can protect your troops is to send them away to gather when you’re under attack. (Pay attention here. This is really a game of cat and mouse. You may end up having someone attacking your gathering nodes. You DON'T want to be hit on a node.) If someone attacks your city, you have no resources to lose anyway, so you may as well not lose any troops. Research “Dragon March Cap” whenever you see it in research. (there is more than 1 location) and you can send more troops per march. Leave no more than your Garrison Cap at home and your troops will be safe from both injury and death.

    1. Another way to protect them is to start a “Ghost Rally”. 8 hour rallies are there for a reason. No one is really going to need 8 hours to prepare the clan to join a rally. It is there for you to hide your troops. The issue with this is that you’ll need to be reachable just in case one of your clan-mates accidentally sends their troops in one of your 8-hour rallies...So if you see rallies, look at how long they are going to take so yours don’t get stuck, and if someone gets theirs stuck...be kind and cancel your rally.

    Some Useful Links:

    How To Train Your Dragon <==Link
    KoH Guide (For New Players in KoH) <==Link
    Ally Trading/Buying (Guide for New Players) <== link
    More Unlock Orders (Research and Upgrades in KoH) <==Link
    Tips For Troop/Resource Protection (For New Players in KoH) <==Link
    Rude's TH Breakdown (might ore costs etc) <== LINK
    Rude's Calculate Ally Gold Loss <==Link
    KoH FAQs <== Link
    #1 Hermione, Sep 2, 2017
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
  2. Tora

    Tora Citizen

    Sep 1, 2017
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    Your much awaited forum, Herm! 💕
    Daenerys, Templar and Hermione like this.
  3. Evkaxy

    Evkaxy New Citizen

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Question: where does hospital capacity bonus comes from? Is it a research?
  4. GoblinGrounder

    GoblinGrounder New Citizen

    Dec 4, 2017
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    This logic is counter intuitive. Don’t train over your hospital cap because your trooos are at risk... but don’t get attached to trooos as they die like bullets.

    Reality is that your hospital cap limits your ability to defend, attack or mine resources. So you need to decide what level of risk you are prepared to take with your troops by being above cap and what risk mitigation strategies (like the ones you suggest re hiding troops etc) to protect them.

    A blanket rule of don’t go over your hospital cap is potentially keeping you a minnow in the game, but hey that’s all good from the authors perspective.
  5. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    At low levels, (those that don't have T3 troops) training a bunch of Guards is probably not going to be the best way to go.
    I've seen it happen where a person just got their T3 troops. They were pretty happy about it too. knights, Huntresses, Pugs. They started training them then someone came over to "zero" them. They not only lost all of the guards who were over cap, but also all of the T3 troops since the hospital fills up with the weaker troops first. All of the beds were being taken up by the guards, they were way over their hospital cap and lost everything.
    Why does someone need 1M guards or militia? I don't see the point in it...especially since they'll be a pain to get rid of later. (Sure, they can be used as a meat shield when attacking, but if you're offline and unshielded AND all of your troops are at home, you'll risk losing your higher tier troops too.)

    I would like to hope that when you reach the stage where you can train T3s and T4s you are able to form your own opinion on how well you are able to keep the troops who are over cap safe. There are plenty of people in our realm who go looking for people who have troop bloat and "zero" them just because they have too many troops. Maybe your realm is different. But spending gems/money on troops is literally THE stupidest thing to do. Troops will die. You will lose them. You will slip up one day and lose a lot of them when you take the step from being under your hospital cap to going over it. It's not a step that you take lightly. That's the stage where you go from being protected to you being at risk and having to hide your troops or shield.

    Now, you Can go over your hospital cap, but I don't see the point in someone who has Guards and Militia going over. There's literally no need for you to be over it if you are that low. It's only going to be a liability later.

    You are probably TH18+, so I'm going to assume that you have taken the plunge and gone over it with your T3's. I hope you don't have a million Guards and Militia though.

    Troops are like bullets. You train them, you use them to attack others, they die, you train them again, use them to attack others rinse repeat. You will have a very hard time keeping every single troop you ever trained. Don't get too attached to them. Don't be the poor fool who pays for them then wakes up to them all being gone, then crying "Where'd my $1k go??? I sunk one thousand dollars into Troops and they're all gone!!!" because that can happen and it happens way more than you'd think. Troops are like bullets. You can and will lose them. Have enough, you may be able to protect against some attacks, but there's always going to be someone willing to spend more than you (Unless you're Donno) so there'll be someone who can beat your def, and someone who will want to see you "zeroed". Your protection capacities may not always be capped at your hospital. Maybe you're super religious about sending your troops away to hide while you sleep...then it's your hospital cap plus whatever you can hide safely. When you're experienced enough to form your own opinions on the game and what tactics you can form to protect yourself, do as you please. If you go over it and don't do anything to protect them, I hope you weren't too attached to them if someone decides to "zero" you. If you feel you're ready to go fight the big guys with your guards and militia, go ahead and train 1m guards and 1m militia. Just fyi, troops drop like flies if you aren't careful. Best not to get too attached to them.
    STORM_WOLF and R0R0 like this.
  6. Hermione


    Sep 1, 2017
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    Research, yes.
  7. Shinysunflower

    Shinysunflower New Citizen

    Mar 21, 2021
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    Thanks for your help!

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