Please! I really want to fart Captain Sparkles glitter all over a particular person!
It would be fun to click on a someone's march or an occupied node and an emote option appears. Ex: You send OMGIAMSOHOT a hug...or a kiss.. or...
If you kill goblins that you find in the swamp, do you get Goblin credit or do you get swamp credit or are you wasting Brew?
I am not a fan of the kill...kill...killl...kiiiiiiiillllll....Where TF is my Titan???
Is there a spawn protocol? Or do the spawn at random? Can you generate a spawn by killing mobs?
Ah! Thank you!
All Your Clan Can Slay.... I have completed 3 stars in the solo quest, but I have 8 points going towards the clan quest. Some have 9 or 7... How...
Ha! Valid points!
Thank you! I just didn't want to waste my time looking for them in areas they wont be. (...because sitting around playing an app on my phone...
Do Titans ever spawn in the Tier 1 areas? Do they spawn at reset or just random?