This seems like a pretty good idea, as in rallying on a really high powered monster?
Between 1-3k gems may not be too bad, gives you a choice to tele once a day or speed your
Looking forward to it
Thank you!
I think it would be pretty cool and useful if all clan members on the world map had the same shade of blue as you are so it's very easy to...
You can look at the cords of a player in your clan when viewing the roster, it takes a bit of time but it's useful
Realm 18 - zezo90 170mil
Can I have some clarification of what exactly dragon army bonus is please?
I'm quite happy working hard too earn things, it was merely a suggestion, sorry if it came across as anything else.
with it being a 'clan adventure' it could be a way too reward the top clans, like have the top 10 have an increased chance of epic and/or have...
I agree the send all or choose multiple recipients of mail would be very useful as a clan leader