So, where/what are the rewards in heckfire? 👀 I want some pretty avis 😁
I think we should have the option to buy more than 1 silver/golden/heckyeah dragon chest at once on the store. Rn we can only buy 1 at a time and...
Thanks God... Finally
bc of their names I thought you were going to replace them for something else later 😢 Lies... Beautiful lies 🥺
I want owl avis 😭😭😭
Moço, eu só achei um brasileiro até agora... Até mandei meu currículo pra ATA pra ver se eles me contratam como tradutor (ainda estou disponível ATA)
I was looking in raid tactics and realm mastery research tree and I haven't found a section to increase raid brew. I think we should have a...
Hi, I was wondering why don't you do meta avis something like PIMD giving a male and female avi when hitting 9*? That would be great and the avis...
How do i delete this post? 😅
There's no rewards from other ATA games to WA, only from WA to the other games
Okay, ninguém vai dizer nada? 👀 Normalmente o pessoal fica pistola nos fóruns do PIMD 😅🤣🤣