I get where you are coming from. Each event requirement per star is related to townhall level though. So for higher townhall people like me its...
Limitations: (Updated 03/02/2021) Limit of ONE Transfer per 60 Days When moving to a new realm, your Might must be below the following: Realm...
Late response but there actually is. I believe if you click the area where the hive is there is an option that pops up.
From what it shows, it's the maximum. I'm talking about the minimum. For example a server with 500m might max could require no minimum.
The concept behind this is simple. The same way we can train T1,T2,T3 troops. We should be able to retrain them to upgrade them. Now let's start...
The game is fantastic. What I recommend is try to raise your might and get into actual clans that are request to join. That will help you alot
This idea is great but higher townhall people want to get rid of Low tier troops in ffa events. Its the equivalent of easy points. Although...
I have over 300k regular brew, only 100kish raid brew and I don't do raids alot. Although the option for that is very nice very new players. For...
Guess they don't want yours due to being overpriced.
Does it include the minimum might/th you need?