Suck it Hermione, the game us boring.. Most of US Love the interactions in our clan, not the mediocre play.. Zeroing penalties and just no...
I agree, shrine only penalize those who cannot participate. I completely seperate game for bigs only.. How about improving retention by...
I agree
Fairly easy for ata to sort by spending and size.. Your accounts you stats. You're just hoping to recoup more funds from struggling smaller...
I agree whole heartedly, the rewards arevminut
Because the games goal is to bleed you dry. Zeroing is a death sentence, you'll go months attemptng to limp back partial strength. War game...
We're losing people because of the boredom and the extreme expense to rebuild. Why even have shrine event? Why waste the time of the 95...
Total waste of time for the 90 percent of players. Big players only, nothing in this game for the majority.. Short sighted and boring,...
It's typical of management. They are only interested it taking more of your money for n increasingly inferior product. Their feeling is makes...
Realm 18 is an absolute failure. R4, Orm, and Grc share and dont attack each other....what are you doing with that??? :-) Why doesnt the the...
Hi ata, fretz here, the lag is so bad that I can not log on to the game?? R8D clan
Here's the problem. Chuck bought his way to bully people. As he continues to do. This is not a game to hom it is a method to feed his...