How about making the help feature scale up, say as a % of build/research/evolve time, in higher levels. Recieving 2hrs worth of help on a 10 day...
Wholeheartedly agree, old dragon layout was much more useful at a glance and user friendly. Bring it back!
Well it's been over a year and with all your updates there have been no improvements to the mail system. A sent mail folder and a folder to save...
These event updates on titan minions absolutely kill clan chat. How about a pop up tab that we can open to track progress, maybe limit the posts...
I don't think it's right that as my value as an ally increases I still only make a paltry 10k when my value just went up by 11million. We should...
How about a sent mail folder? As it is now unless the person replies using that mail there is no record of it.
It appears that with one of the new updates the timers are automatically finishing when it gets to our amount of free speed up time. I liked it...
For the love of god, please fix the glitch that causes everyone to share locations when we didn't click anywhere near the share button!
Clanmate said he spoke to developers, they are aware and working on it