Not gonna lie, hands down the coolest feature you've added in a while 🙌 it's unfortunate you can't spawn nodes for a RSS fee, because that would...
Love the dragon,but couldn't you have put in more effort to her look than coloring Ruby cyan??
Can we has a R&B baby plz
scratch that part I get it 🌚 but we are still effectively missing out on 8 daily solo's if you take 24 hrs, which are needed for your new event
So we have to get stars on daily solo quests for the new event, and youre locking at least dragon growth, and saying if we do the monster slayers...
No bloody ty
I thought it was tied into the amount of gold you have, but like I said there have been people who have more gold and a lower % yield than myself...
does anyone know how this is determined? I’ve seen people with more gold than me have a lower % than myself, and I’ve never had a problem keeping...
Then why you still on the forums 👀👀 Why complain? Honestly, why complain? Are you telling me you don’t pay tax to your government? Or to your...
First off, this ^🙌🏻 Second, this event was just a slap in the face. There’s about 400 people through all realms that got 3* on the actual event,...
Oi apes, can you either respond to or close my ticket so I can complain about something new?? Fr though it’s been like 2 weeks I wanna change my...
So my question is for clarity on the antidote phase because the in game explanations are kind of lacking. You hit each biome to kill and get...
I’m js, my alt is th12 and lb. try harder. Also I’ve spent 10$ on my main and 0 on my alt since starting an doing just fine