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Announcement April Fool's Event Recap and VOTE: The Pink Cube Avatars extravaganza!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Todd, Apr 8, 2024.


Remove all but one of the Pink Cube Avatars OR Leave all the Pink Cube Avatars.

Poll closed Apr 15, 2024.
  1. Remove all but one of the Pink Cube Avatars.

    26 vote(s)
  2. Leave all the Pink Cube Avatars

    17 vote(s)
  1. [ATA]Todd

    Staff Member A Thinking Ape

    Aug 28, 2017
    Likes Received:
    April Fool's Event Recap: The Pink Cube Avatar Extravaganza!


    Final Results for the April Fools Pink Cube Avatar Vote!

    Greetings Citizens!


    The votes to decide the fate of the Pink Cube Avatar have been tallied and the verdict is in! We are delighted to announce that the 60.5% of the community chose to "Remove all but one of the Pink Cube Avatars."

    What's Next:

    In the near future, we will be implementing this decision. The Pink Cube avatars will live on in a single cherished avatar - called “Missing Asset”. However, to facilitate this transition, we kindly request that you take a moment to check your avatar and ensure that you don't currently have the Pink Cube avatar equipped.

    Implementation Timeline:

    Stay tuned for further announcements regarding the exact timeline for this change. We'll make sure to keep you informed every step of the way!

    Thank You!
    The Heckfire Team


    Greetings Citizens!

    Hope everyone enjoyed this years April Fool's event!

    🌟 The Prank:

    As part of Todd's mischievous jest, no matter the level anyone achieved in the recent event, all players were given the same unexpected avatar: the infamous "Pink Cube Avatar" with eyes!

    💖 The Pink Cube Avatar:

    The Pink Cube Avatar - look familiar? It should! It's the quintessential placeholder for unloaded images in our game.

    🔨 The Decision:

    Now that the laughter has subsided and the festivities drawn to a close, we turn to you to decide the fate of these Pink Cube Avatars!

    Here are your options:

    1️⃣ Remove all but one of the Pink Cube Avatars.

    2️⃣ Leave all the Pink Cube Avatars

    📅 Your Vote Matters and you can submit your choice using the poll above the forum post!

    Belated April Fool's!
    - The Heckfire Team
    #1 [ATA]Todd, Apr 8, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
  2. DoctorHoo

    DoctorHoo New Citizen

    Oct 22, 2022
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    bc of their names I thought you were going to replace them for something else later 😢
    Lies... Beautiful lies 🥺

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