ive heard many complaints of people wishing they either had or had not built a certain building. What if there was an option to destroy let’s say a farm and replace it with a study, or let’s say someone Max’s out dragons, replace alters with another building. This would allow players to change their play style ! Maybe someone can take this idea and polish it up but it’s a thought I’ve heard from many! Especially people who are th20 or so and realizing they could be getting more if they had the right build
No support, Once a building is capped and they have the might, bonuses for dragons it would be too easily exploited, plan ahead and do your research on builds before building
I agree much needed. Just like anither game they have KAW where you can do that at anytime destroy a building and rebuild something in its place. Many peoplw wish they had this feature..but not to include buildings suck as dragon spires. Those should not be able to be torn down bc dragons are maxed out.
I would just like to move my buildings around and set my city up the way I like it to look if that’s possible
I couldn't agree more with this statement, plan ahead. No need to knock down any buildings if you think before you act.
It was hard for me to plan ahead because I wasn’t sure how the economy was. It wasn’t until my second month that I had a solid grasp of the game and truly knew what I needed to do. It would’ve been nice to destroy buildings in the lower town halls. Maybe it would be good to allow building destruction until a certain town hall level, with only limited demolitions.