A relic trading system would be handy to take our dragon to next tire easily In this system We can trade a lvl 3 relic for another lvl3 or 3lvl2 or 9lvl1 relics
The option comes up when you don't have the leveled relic with you but you have either 1 above that level or 3 that are 1 level below it to craft the leveled relic you need.
I totally agree. I have been looking for 1 relic for 2 weeks now and no amount of gathering or titan attack has helped. I get everything else but the one I need. Either they need to up the drop rate or impliment a trade system. I can’t even Buy it either. Hindering growth of any kind, makes the game less fun and just frustrating and intimately just quitting the game.
I also want to add I buy the chest too and still don’t get the one I need. I meant to buy that specific one relic.
I think a Relic market system would be the ideal solution. A virtual stall you have in your kingdom like a road side stall where you can put up relics for sale or trade and specify a price or value of trade you require for a relic