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Sep 5, 2019 at 11:46 PM
Aug 28, 2017
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A Thinking Ape, from ATA

A Thinking Ape
[ATA]Grant was last seen:
Sep 5, 2019
    1. Markandrew816666
      Hi ATA, I have accidentally deleted my app plus data. Account name markandrew81. Can you help get my account back please?
    2. The_Worst_Witch
      Grant please help. I need to transfer realms and also need to retrieve another account.
    3. Falalala_
      hello please can you help me i changed my phone and i don't remember my password do be able to login please help me out i need set up my game on my new phone thanks .
    4. IB4E
      Was having issues not able to watch the ads in the store. So I cleared tech tree and cache then sent help ticket was told that if I shield my city then uninstall app then reinstall I did that still not working and app crashes when I try to send help ticket now
    5. Coffeesex
      I can have a normal reply to my ticket help???
    6. Tyleryvhbhbh
    7. Maze93
      bonjour je souhaite partir du royaume pour aller au royaume 119 car je suis handicapée et je parle en français et il ya un clan LRN et je ne peux pas aller sur google traduction car malvoyante je ne sais pas faire merci de votre compréhension. Merci
    8. HarleyQuinn
      I need help to change my email from my game I don’t want my personal email linked to the game please can someone help ? Ty🙏
      1. Xyzee likes this.
    9. WillieTheFlaccid
      Hi I’m from pimd and I want to link my account to my heck fire account is it automatic or do I have to do something to link it to get the pimd prizes from here
    10. ThatsANoFromMe
      Can I please have a reply to the ticket from the 14th? No reply in game, no email back.
    11. Sno_Queen
      I need help.... I placed a 24h shield last night at midnight... just went to game 45 mins ago shields down and I'm zeroed.... hhmmm my shields not due to go down till midnight...
      Who do I contact as thos is totally wrong....
    12. LGorrell
      I’m trying to get an alternate account reset. So I can get it started in a new realm. The problem is I can’t get off the “Join a Clan” prompt even when I touch the clan hall. I submitted a help ticket in game on my main account and was told the account that’s unable to do anything in game has to be the one to request to be reset.
    13. Justbub
      To my knowledge, our clan does not have an ambassador. May I request that role? I fear we are missing important information. For example, I’ve heard from two sources that there was a change a few months ago about how titans spawn. However, through searches I cannot find any information to support that. Thank you for your help, Grant
      1. Edward_Nygma
        I would like to know how the titans spawn
        Jul 23, 2021
    14. 7shades
      Can't access help. In game.
    15. 19Dima222
      Добавте Русский язык
    16. Lithe
      What is the actual dragon points per town hall? Everything I've seen isn't matching up...
    17. Hunloe
      Looking to see when we can expect the next Tooth and Scale or Maw and Claw event.
      1. Maude_Belcher likes this.
    18. Pigbenis80
      Can someone please fix ally hiring. Trying to hire an ally for any march longer than 3 seconds is useless. They get hired away almost immediately. How are they getting into my city to steal my allies, and how are they hiring my allies mid - march.
      1. Lithe likes this.
      2. burros
        Buy more expensive one ! The cheap one get hired fast !
        Jan 11, 2019
      3. Lord_Of_Lords
        They don’t get it to your city and steal your ally. That’s not how it works. Anyone who is willing to spend the gold can buy any ally they want
        Apr 22, 2020
    19. Apollyan
      Trying to transfer realms but opening a ticket crashes my game. I've updated, and cleared the tech tree and the cache, still crashes. How can I go about a transfer
      1. FruitiFli likes this.
    20. Kinazu
      Grant i sent u a discord friend request i really need emergency help
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