Just make a settings screen for us to customize what notifs we get! Like someone’s attacking us, scouting us, we get a msg, etc.
Also running away ain’t so good anyways since it’ll take precious time. An attack probably takes at most 2 mins, so if you teleport far, you’ll...
On a note, I do believe that Multiplat had a point... You put your post here to gain criticism or to gain support of your idea. Multiplat simply...
Been suggested before and I think it’s a good idea. Will probably take some time to implement if they are thinking about it. 😄
Absolutely wonderful Deuce
Umm if we were to take off rss cap that would suck... you could be oc. Having rss cap your limit also sucks cause even a little would make you oc....
Either log in with Facebook or ATA account or submit a help ticket (menu -> extras -> help) to ask to recover your account and they will help you...
Submit a help ticket (menu -> extras -> help) and they will help to recover your account
Honestly, it is a bit disappointing. I got 600th (man, I can’t be on everyday 🙈) and was super disappointed because I wouldn’t get a parcel, but...
I think he means that there should be a way to close tickets since if they don’t respond to your first open thread and you have something much...
Uh don’t you mean 1 day? Last time I remember yesterday there was a ultra hard might growth. Edit: I’m dumb, I thought it ended today lol
A picture or a better explanation of what goes wrong would definetely help. If you have linked your FB account, go to Menu -> Extras -> Sign in...
Cool idea, though seems a little exploitable. Just make new accounts and . But I guess that problem is also inherent in a lot of the gifting
Just make a new account (redownload game) and use the in game help chat. What is stopping you from using in ganne help chat? Also, next time...
Honestly just keep replying on same thread. One of mine got “lost” and me replying had them answer it in a day. ATA is super backed up most of the...
Regarding attacking, there’s no fair in this game 😂 everything’s by hook and crook. Ive seen people who will play this game for almost 10 hours...
Honestly, yeah it’s stupid but they ain’t changing it and seem to have zero intention of changing it in the future.
What, it took mine like 2 days to transfer.
Honestly ATA should just make a realm transfer in game option like they did with renames.
Yeah I did, you guys proposed: - 1 week/1 month cooldown - removed from map/shielded - Stops once log in/Stops once u do anything besides chat or...
I didn’t know that :O
That’s why I propose a way to shorten the time for it or just activate it
Also, most likely just internet issues
Honestly, most were not worth it at all. Get like 5000 gold for training 30k points worth of troops 😂😂😂
Also... moving realms does remove your shield, just like TPing. Honestly, the first “noob” shield is pretty useless. No one is going to zero you,...