Remember the good old times when u send one suicidal troop to “scout” them? Good times.
why is grasslands, badlands, and swamp mastery unlocked at different TH? Should it not be the same?
You know they already have a feature like this already right? You get removed from the map after a few days or weeks (depend on th) and are just...
Honestly, the best way to transfer goodies is just to have someone in your clan attack u 😋
I’m not sure posting it here will change anything... give them some time, it’ll usually take around a day or two
I mean, basically all you have to do now is choose the token u want to use and press minus one 😂. Would say that it’s better than adjusting the...
Watchu mean they last 5 mins?
I see a point in your logic, but also realize that as town halls increase, PVP generally decreases. FFA with town hall 25s together would be the...
I was just saying that since you said that gaining no points town hall 5 levels under you encourages zeroing weaker people. It does not. While I...
That’s why I think it should auto fill to one less than needed. It’ll be more efficient and the update most people actually want
i think the new auto set is cool but can you make it so it uses them efficiently? No one wants to use two 8 hour speed ups for something 8 hours...
They are there for bug fixing and won’t affect gameplay.
While I’m not exactly sure, there is a town hall that will change the rewards of the daily dragon quest to give out the new dragons shards,
I mean, just save up your dragon ranks specifically for these events 😀
Every dragon has a base percent. It can be seen by entering your dragon lair, chosing a dragon, and is labeled under ARMY BONUS. Then, each...
There are two things that define the “level”: Town hall, which ranges maxes at 25, and might, which is like your overall progress.
I don’t really find it very unfair, but I do think that ATA should keep the original ffa handouts. Start with a quest that gives a 24 hour shield,...
What do you mean? The 5 town halls lower is there to discourage people from attacking weaker players. There is also a system that you get 2x...
Doesn’t seem too useful, especially if it can get raided... Who wants to donate the clan resources and then it easily be taken away? Also, what...
Usually takes a day or two for them to respond. Busy server!
That suggestion makes no sense... anyone should be able to hire anyone.
Mines over 9000! Bruh Justice 1v1 me m8
Maybe add a picture of it? No one knows what’s really happening when you describe it like that... Also don’t remember an error message that just...