Forum at large is dead. I rarely see more than 2-3 comments on each thread.
I believe he is referring to hardcore might growth, and most current the clan event... Not the actual daily side quests..
This is actually a real issue, many people are physically unable to participate in these new "events" due to the time zone. But I honestly feel...
I th Honestly I have never heard of anyone wanting/needing the copy paste feature. Imformation/Screen shots are generally shared via 3rd party...
But you must admit my idea is much fairer than the current one.
I bring forward a matter of the upmost importance, I wish to discuss the matter of side quests LB ranks. We have all seen those "ranks" on the LB,...
You will soon change your mind on that when you login and are stripped, and left to roam the corn fields naked and alone.
This will affect the ally market in a drastic way, and by that I mean in a negative way. The ally market is determined by the players of the game,...
I believe 3 days is a pretty long time, and the cost of purchasing them are pretty significant. I believe most people are at least able to login...
You have many options available, firstly you have rallies.. Then you have BFA to increase your power How does it benefit all players ? The only...
Currently whilst playing the game building upgrades are limited to 1 build at a time. I would like to put forward an additional component to this...
ATA have rules clearly outlined, they are under the TOU (terms of use), and it clearly states you are not permitted to partake in ACC sharing. And...
That is possibly the worse idea I have ever read on this forum, and trust me there was good competition but you won it hands down! Can people at...
You have a clan, you have the capacity for rallies.. It encourages team work and organisation. You cannot condemn someone for building a strong...
This would make strips impossible, and make future OSW/PVP all but obsolete and pointless, it's a very important aspect of the game. Especially...