You’ll need to send an in game message to support through the help chat. (menu -> extras -> help -> new ticket). Some of the things they will ask...
Regardless of the numbers the idea remains the same. Allow players to have a vacation mode, but that mode can not be used to hide under like...
We discussed a vacation mode a couple of times over beta. In order for me to support it would have to work like this, Costs 100k gems (up for...
Menu -> allies -> hire allies -> search by name (rather than price)
They can’t move entire clans. You’ll have to each individually request a realm transfer and create a new clan in the new realm.
Kinda sorta don't really support. I would say/ add this about the idea, Pretend you are in a PvP scenario where you are attacking, rallying, and...
I can see that reading of the OP too. I have to agree, I would not be in favor of more reward tiers, three tiers of rewards is perfect.
I think he means he’s a rank 2 within the clan (under info screen not menu screen), which means he’s a conflict coordinator. Next to the conflict...
They are in the works. I assume they are working on a new raid node before they release T4 raids. When we got T3 raids they introduced...
Currently you can not unlock a third spot to equip your idols. The highest you can upgrade your idolith to currently is lvl 10 (where you unlock...
A) Probably T4 troop unlock research (time would vary based on studies) B) one hour and thirty minutes
Oops, I read his message too quick.
Incorrect. To directly quote the designer “everyone uses the rally leaders idol”
Rss drop is about proportional to the brew spent (with regards to spirits in comparison to normal titans)
We’ve brought this up with ATA a couple of times of over the past year or so on discord. They are definitely aware of this want by the community...
Find the biggest defense in your realm (might have to get them to all rein one person, to make it higher) and send just a march of your T2’s...
There’s a section in this forum called “Battle Tactics”, you can see more discussion there. However, below are a couple links, good luck!...
Copy and pasted from a website
That’s where your clan hive is located. Currently there is nothing more to that feature and you are unable to remove the blue flag from the map...
You were lied to. There is no way to color a friendly clan a different color. There is only blue (your clan members) and red (everyone else). The...
A couple of minor changes, removed reference to the winter festival idol (Merriment Multiplier) from the first post added clarification about...
Assume you’ve already checked here, but in case you haven’t... on the bottom of the first page of allies tab there is a purple ‘ally gold earned...
I highly doubt they will ever let you have a third dragon on defense.... it would give an even greater advantage to defenders. You already have...