If you can make your march .01% (might be .001%) smaller then the person you are attacking, ALL of your troops will die in one hit.
Kill them off? Find the biggest wall in your realm and send a march with just your unwanted troops against it. Use just ONE dragon and select the...
+1 In addition those event leaderboards need an arrrow (like in CC or normal LBs) to automatically jump to your LB position.
T3 are 64 might per troop 700,000 * 64 = 44.8mil
You need to send an in game message through the help window. They only do account assistance from there. menu -> extras -> help -> new ticket
He needs to send an in game message through the help window requesting a realm transfer. He should include the # realm you are in, in his request....
Can you clarify what you mean by “idolith idols” If you are talking about, Idolith Activators, they are given as a RNG reward in raid reward...
This feature was prematurely released and does not currently work in game. I assume they pushed it out as they did because it required an update...
Change Log, Updated Merriment Multiplier with level 7-9 and class 5 upgrade costs Fixed some hyperlinking problems
This is an out of date thread as the OP said, refer to the link below https://forums.kingdomsofheckfire.com/threads/realm-transfer-limits.426/
Grant posted this on discord, see if this works,
Updated with stats for the Merriment Multiplier Idol, let me know if you can provide any of the missing information [IMG] Merriment Multiplier...
Hitting a lvl 3 raid titan is about the equivalent of hitting a lvl 10 monster node. You get more rewards for the lvl3 raid titan, but it costs...
If you get the message “unable to buy ally... this ally was recently bought” go to the allies profile page and click the hire button from there.
Fun fact: the reason build complete players have empty tiles at the top of the city map is because there use to be seven farms and seven quarries...
We are talking in circles. We have both reiterated our points multiple types, with neither of us seeing or relating to the others opinion. As...
No, the level of your idolith (the building in the bottom right of your city) will not effect this “Cookie looking Idol” The Idolith only effects...
The idea that you can protect one entire troop type is poor. Raising HC cap to a million, or introducing a new way to protect or revive troops...
That. Is. Literally. The. Point. People zero others in order to kill their troops. There are plenty of ways already to protect yourself (bailing,...
“Hunts not defending” is literally the same as them being invincible. In other words, there is no way for them to be killed in your idea. Being...
Hunts are a strategic offensive weapon. For that reason alone they should be able to be killed off on defense. Having hunts be an invincible troop...
Your lowest tier troop gets selected to gather regular nodes. We have requested this be changed a couple times. However, this is ''fixed" for...
You get them as a reward when you complete a raid (located in the raid reward chest). Alternatively, they can also be obtained during certain...
Click the links below to learn more about them, Getting Started: Getting Started Idolith Costs/ Stats per level: The Idolith (building)
Update your app, R3's, VPs and owners can now see who is online