Yes, the owner of the clan needs to send a help message with the new name and tags menu -> extras -> help -> new ticket
Additionally, ATA has said that additional realm versus realm content will be coming early next year
Did you even read what the OP wanted? They want an event where, All the players in the realm contribute to that realms points These realm points...
They depend on what realm you are in. Generally speaking, the buckets are as followed, Th 3 - 6 Th 7 - 9 Th 10 - 12 Th 13 - 15 Th 16 - 18 Th...
the last 24 hours are there purely for you to collect the rewards from the previous 24 hour event...
The “message all” button that the VPs and owners have doesnot suffice for sending out updates?
Idolith [lvl10] is currently the highest you can upgrade your Idolith, edited post to include that Fixed miscellaneous spelling mistakes updated...
Yes you can get above that for level 1-9 monster nodes. The max per hit damage is 33.5% (so you can three hit mobs). How to increase you damage...
Sounds like you have a level nine Mermolga's Mistfortune Idol, increasing it to level 10 at class five will give you a 10% reduction in brew cost....
Yup, and/ or just include the subject line of the mail in the notification.
You can't, despite the clan permissions saying otherwise.
We will have to wait for ATA to release them. I hoped we might have gotten a T3 Rise of Mermolga raid this weekend, but alas we did not. We...
Raid Titans updated with class three and four ability unlocks [IMG] Grassy Raid Titan Toppler [IMG] Badland Raid Titan Toppler [IMG] Swamp...
Updated the Mermolga's Misfortune Idol to reflect newly obtained data for class five and level nine. Thanks @Unavailable [IMG] Mermolga's Misfortune
You’ll need to send an in game help request (menu -> extras-> help -> new ticket) You can reset your password at...
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A huge thank you to the following people for without them this encyclopedia would not have been possible, Jenocide, Lifdrasyl, Unavailable, Bacon...
This took forever, there is a 30 second minimum wait between posts... Ugh