Meh we dont need a 4th biome. I would absolutely like more dragons for the biomes we already have though. 👍
having a larger selection of raids would be nice but ATA isn't exactly the quickest at giving us what we want. Heck the raids have been out for...
I recommended this to ATA a while back and they brushed it under the rug. I think it would be a fantastic idea to easily see how many tokens you...
Yeah you are apparently too new to the game to see why relics matter.. Meanwhile a lot of us with tier 9+ dragons are spending days/weeks trying...
Since you are pretty new to this game, I have to imagine that you don't know a lot about the history of this game. I'm going to use r18 as an...
Spying is going to happen regardless. There is no real way of knowing who is a spy after all. Clan hopping can happen but it is pretty easy to...
Try realm 99. Transfer might limit is 20m so you should find more players your size there.
Go to the smallest realm open and hope you find some good people to play with. I wouldnt call your clan mates selfish though. If they use their...
Well, if you read any of the already posted suggestions, you would see that three days ago, someone already requested this (yet again....). It...
I think we need to go back to clicking 198 times to open up the single chest. Make players appreciate the skip option.
Well.. this game is very heavily dependent on being in an active clan. Should players really be penalized for going to a more active clan? I have...
Also, can ya'll make rewards scale based on TH level? Being given the optional reward of 6 tier 1 goblin boots is a slap in the face for a th25...
Why does the quest say "Shrine Access - No" until clan chest 15 if clans are supposed to be able to participate with clan chest 6?
Well it isnt so much al algorithm as it is a choice by ATA. They keep the cap for each realm around the strength of the 50th or 100th strongest...
yes. when a player puts on a new shield, all troops hidden in their city will be sent home.
The only reward you won't get from the raid is the chest at the end. You can still hit for dragon xp, rss, and relics. 👍
I used the same attack during the test. The defense was what changed. Repeating... Example: 800k royal knights home 26k-30k were injured with...
I recommended this a while ago and I am sure ATA has it on their back burner. Just like every other recommendation the community makes though, you...
You can transfer realms by sending in an in-game help ticket. To send in the help ticket, open your menu, click extras, and click Help. Just tell...
Wrong part of the forums. There is an Ideas and Features section for posts like this.
Yeah i'm still waiting for ATA to actually listen to the community and give us the changes we want. o_O
Going after ally gold is vital in weakening stronger players. Yes it sucks when it is done to you, but it is also a necessary evil. If you think...
I think it does but it is a really small percentage.. You may gain .1% if you level up and raise ranks on your dragons. :/ that is iffy though.
Yeah Tiashue you are right. I was distracted while reading it 😂
Some players also refer to it as BFA. Tiashue said it well though. The best way of increasing your bonus is through research on the middle left of...