Not all titans are spawned by players. There is a chance for titans to random spawn. If you find a titan and no one is attacking it, just hit it....
Ok Grant, i'm not going to be the only one asking this.. Why bother showing potential rewards on the overlord rewards if there is no chance of...
It would probably be best to delete your email too.. yes only a help tivket can help.
The relics and dragon chow make it worth it. However I would still really like it if ATA made the titans weaker. If th24's are having trouble...
That is true, but ATA doesn't pull in the big bucks off casual players. 👀
Looks like every event except that crappy crypt event will be.
Too many players waste hundreds of dollars on this game for ATA to lower the price of items. :/ Though I agree that a price drop would be nice....
Yeah this game is 150% pay to win. there is absolutely no grind to win. :/ it is a shame since this game has so much potential. ATA seems more...
Fuzzy Voucher 5X Gives the owner the opportunity to purchase the "Peaches' Power Package" in-app purchase bundle in the store 5 times after the...
Yeah it is annoying. At th24 and 1.1b might i can only hit the grassland level 2 event titans.. someone in my clan sent in a help ticket asking...
I think someone in ATA messed up some numbers here.. level 1 titans are as strong as level 2's, level 2's are as strong as level 3's, and level...
👀 you want a clan war feature? Just zero someone in a nearby clan. Im sure you will see how effective clan wars are for growth. 👍
Yeah except im willing to bet none of these steps are clan specific. Going to be a lot of sniping and tile hitting going on. RIP
Am i the only one that thinks this sounds stupid? So now our titans and rewards are running away from us? Who the heck wants to chase a titan...
It is absolutely crazy how long it can take to rank up dragons in the later tiers. Why not add the ability to speed up tier speed to the Dragon...
What dobyou mean specifically? You cant reset your acc yourself. You could send in a help ticket and ask ATA but idk if they would help you. You...
The countdown was associated with a special event where you could spawn Possessed titans. You will only see possessed titans during the special...
if i recall right.. Level 1 titans will spawn from level 3-5 realm monsters. Level 2 titans will spawn from level 6-8 realm monsters. Level 3...
I think it is 100m gold a week.
ATA Grant, are we ever going to see this? It really should be a priority over something like adding those "golden tickets" into the game. If you...
You arebt wrong that shields are really expensive. Especially if you want to buy a 7d shield to go on a short vacation. The game does supply you...
Go into your Extras menu, scroll to the bottom, and clear tech tree. That should fix it.
It is fairly simple. Just train 10 troops of each tier then divide the might you gained by 10. From my tests, I have gotten the following values....
I think it is great that Grant is online atm but refuses to say anything.