Overall it is about ally gold invested into allies. I see you have 69 allies atm. You start dropping those smaller allies to look for ones which...
Yeah, ATA is getting greedy real fast. I wonder how many players are going to stop giving their money to ATA after they decided to try pulling...
ATA, are you kidding right now? The special package we are supposed to get at the end of the event is an item we have to pay for? What kind of...
New realms usually have brackets similar to this: TH: 6-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-25 ATA claims it is because of a lack of competition in the higher...
If you are 21k points away then even having 1 more event wouldn't get you there. The 400k point challenge is meant to be exceedingly difficult....
I don't believe there is a way to. that would delete someones ally after all. You could try submitting a help ticket and seeing if ATA would do...
Just put everyone who has spent >$100 into the same realm and you will get exactly what you want. xD Ignoring that response though, I have to...
You can't close the ticket yourself. ATA falls behind on tickets sometimes and this just happens to be one of those times. All you can do is chill...
This has been requested a few times. I even requested it a couple months ago through another thread here. ATA just doesn't seem to want to do it...
Ambassadors are pretty much a clan representative for a special Discord chat which ATA runs. It gives the clan a voice in talking to ATA directly...
This is pretty much what the generosity nodes do. Though the gems we acquire right now are right for each th level to grow at a good pace. More...
The way the ally system works nowadays makes allies drop rapidly in price if they are unowned. This means the only allies you are seeing above 100...
This has been requested in at least a dozen other threads here on the forums. Please look for similar thread before starting a new one. This also...
Did you try restarting your game or clearing your tech tree? After reset the store will sometimes glitch and not update all of the pages....
Are you 100% positive the brew tokens you use are gone too? You likely disconnected from the server before popping the brew so they should have...
Players rarely use the forums. Your best bet is just to talk in realm chat and make friends. Then join your friends clan. :)
A garrison cap that large would actually be nice. It is really annoying to only have a protect cap of 10k troops. Pretty much doesn't exist late game.
If you drop allies you will always lose gold. You want to hire allies which are good enough where someone else may hire the ally from you. When...
Only ATA Grant ever looks at the forums and that is pretty rare. No use posting about it here. You could try bugging them on the official Discord...
I think most players would rather see it removed from clan chat and having a visible counter on the screen somewhere. It spam's clan chat.
This will not help you get transfered. You just have to wait for ATA to finally reply to your help ticket. You could try going on ATA's official...
You need to submit an in-game help ticket to transfer realms. Go to your in-game menu, click extras, then click help in the top left. You can...
Yeah allies wont tend to stabilize until they are worth around 2m. Even then the only allies you may be able to hold onto will have 1%/.6%/.6%....
They aren't. There was enough backlash within the first couple hours of being shown ingame that ATA put the release on hold. Pretty much, these...
In the older realms you will also find that ATA has combined th6-15 into the same tier for special events but not hourly events. They are trying...