Used to happen to me a lot. It’s not occurring as of lately though 🤔
If you look closely, every dragon is specialized in one of the biomes. By LEVELING your dragon up, you can increase its base attack, which is that...
Rank 13 (to 14) is 300 shards Rank 14 is 350 shards Rank 13 is 230% attacking/defending 230% monster attack and 63% resource...
Why can’t we see the clans from other realms? I think it would be cool if we could, and I don’t really see anything bad that could come from it. 😁
You got your wish! Now it’s every 90 days lol
You still didn’t say what KAW is 😂😅
Also Donno is at 7.7 bil now
Titan left RIP Realm 12: [LLD] Mark 3.5 billion [ROR] Speedmetalsean 3.3 billion (I included him because his clan always gets ruler of the realm)
While I have to agree that sending all the top players to one realm wouldn’t be that good of an idea... I really wish ATA would separate the F2P...
Just send a help ticket. Go to menu, and there is a plus button at the bottom right (Labeled Extras), then press the help button (top left),...
The plan I am finding to be most effective is to upgrade/max your town hall according to brackets, so levels 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22, 25. Then once...
Well for instance, what if ATA made a package that gave you infinite resources/tokens for 1000$. Can we not complain about that? I don’t have...
Totally awesome, if you are worried about adding this because there may be spies in your clan, make it available to share your stats or just...
The problem is I don’t think the strongest player in our realm would appreciate that... he seems the kind to go around zeroing everyone. I just...
I mean this whole ruler of the realm is one sided. We’ve had the same ruler three times in a row, and it’ll only continue. At least some of the...
Why is swamp sorcery research unlocked at university level 14? Grass is 10 and badlands is 12, making them fit in the th 10-12 bracket, but swamp...
Ok that was out of context since my forums didn’t load half of it 😅for some reason but here is the original:
Well now the first one is free 😁
This is a great idea in my opinion, so I want to bring it up again. Since there’s not enough land to acommodate every building in this game,...
A tactic I’ve seen a lot though is just to bounce the price of an ally up with a partner (usually a clan mate or an alt) until you think the price...
Lol to be honest though, it’s really easy to max buildings... one builder is definetely enough. I haven’t even built something in at least a month.
It’d be awesome for different language support in this game!
While sure, you can shield, but I’m not a hardcore player that’s on 24 hours a day... it’s easy to get attacked while you are offline or on...
And don’t get me started on this “a group of little guys can fight the big ones”. Lol, I’ve seen this way too much and it doesn’t work. First...
I don’t really think so... if you can’t spare 20 brew to attack someone, but have 50 to attack a monster and deal a maximum of 30% health, I have...