He's still gonna be at the bottom of the bottom if he starts now. Haha Unless he has VERY VERY VERY deep pockets.
Grant and his typos, lol. But yeah, they do look like they are leaning towards allowing us to do the transfers in game some time in the future......
Research, yes.
At low levels, (those that don't have T3 troops) training a bunch of Guards is probably not going to be the best way to go. I've seen it happen...
lol, t'is true
they're trying to say that they got an ally hired away...and because the gold got collected, people were able to see that they had gold in a scout...
And adding to what Illest said, but still in Re to Arewyne... The devs make the rules...if they feel the need to make exceptions based on errors,...
lol, it has been said...just not in this thread. It's been said to death, but they don't want to hear that...lol
Did you read the post right above you @Arewyne ? this part to be exact.
@Jusplyn you should probably edit that out... I know you know better
He did have a way about him, a certain je ne sais quois.
It would be easier to ask in the in-game help as said here Realm Transfer Process <== LINK
kill more. It's random. You won't be the one to spawn one in your area every day, but someone will spawn one near you. It's waaayyy easier to get...
Some people are readers, some are writers. What exactly are you mad about @peanutpretzel ? lol I haven't seen a post from them in this thread yet.
I hope they add more, but nothing that is detrimental to the "losers." I hate rewards that harm others, especially if it's harming those who were...
ATA HQ is technically in Canada Vancouver, but their timezone coincides with the western parts of the US for sure. It's not my timezone, but I...
This is what we used to see when we tapped on our hospital. [IMG] Take a look at this part of the image (cropped below) [IMG]
I literally have no idea why they changed it. I have a feeling it's possibly the same as it was before...but until the devs get back on, I have no...
Can't say you're wrong here. Total sour taste in my mouth knowing I had to hand over rss, even if I didn't miss it, just knowing that I was...
I would assume that a TH 25 has the ability to go further in research for March Cap, troop related Strength and Toughness Bonuses, and biome...
Not everyone purposefully exploited ties. Just finishing 3 gathers would result in a tie sometimes for my bracket. Haha, I honestly can't see the...
I totally couldn't see them making the RNG favor paying customers. That would be soooo bad on ATA's part... I feel like if the numbers are going...