[IMG] Do you love Kingdoms of Heckfire as much as we love πon π? (Pineapple on pizza is the best thing ever in case you didn't already know...
Thanks for catching this, we'll see about getting it fixed in our next update. I mean... "OK"
In order to help players to continue to progress within their city, and take on tougher monsters and Titans, we are increasing the maximum rank...
There will be a Scheduled Maintenance on Wednesday, May 30th beginning at 9AM Pacific Time. The maintenance is expected to last approximately 1...
Hey there, For Realm Transfers please see this forum thread: https://forums.kingdomsofheckfire.com/threads/realm-transfer-process.426/
As mentioned above, at this time there's not an easy method to find this in-game. We do plan to better indicate this in the future though.
Today we're starting a limited rollout of our next update which includes two new features that should make your Kingdoms of Heckfire experience...
Over the weekend a number of inactive players were de-activated and dropped as Allies. Owners of these Allies incorrectly received a partial...
Hey there, I'm going to be following up with our support and game design team members as this is not the experience we want our players to have....
Hey everyone, My apologies for the lack of response to this thread over the long weekend. I'm going to be following up with our support and game...
The battle for Shrines continues Saturday at 2pm (PT) with a few tweaks. - Core Shrines now grant a +100% Attack Bonus against ALL Shrines (not...
Hello, Please note that the players do not have a password for these forums as they can only be accessed from within the app itself, this means...
Reddit is a great platform, though less so as a Forum/discussion based platform. We're definitely open to suggestions on how we could improve our...
Definitely feedback we've heard and something we'd like to do at some point in the future, however, our current focus is adding more engaging...
After a brief rest to wash off the scorch marks, Shrines will reactivate just in time for our weekend events. Shrines will be activating once...
Realm Transfers are definitely something we want to look at exploring more. Right now we're still focused on more immediate impact and game...
This is feedback we've certainly heard before, and we do see the value it would have for players who choose to play multiple accounts (which they...
Please share any constructive feedback you have on our latest Shrines feature in this thread. While we may not be able to respond to every bit of...
As long as you're eligible for a transfer we move you across as you are. Though you won't be able to remain in your clan as it won't exist in the...
Capturing Shrines: Clans can only hold ONE CORE Shrine at a time Clans can hold any number of MINI Shrines (North, South, East, West) from any...