Definitely do read it along with other members of the team. Been a bit busier than normal lately but hope to get more active around here soon.
While some of our other games have the speaker system you mention we've decided to go without speakers in Kingdoms in Heckfire. As we're a sharded...
That's true, though our hope is that these notifications prove useful for clans and their members.
Hey there, For account recoveries please send us an in-game Help request from the device you would like the account recovered on. If you don't...
📢 We've updated Clan Announcements📢 Now, when a clan leader updates their Clan Announcement (the banner seen in Clan Chat) all Clan Members will...
Definitely, something we've heard feedback on, though there's not currently anything on this in the pipeline at the moment.
Stalker stalking the stalkers!
we currently offer players a one-time realm transfer when they write in to us, however this is only a temporary solution as our team looks into...
Today we roll out a change to the Ally Search system. With this change, allies that do not provide a stat bonus will no longer be displayed in...
Welcome back!
A Permanent Ban would mean you are blocked from accessing the game. A Permanent Silence means you are blocked from posting in public channels...
Yep, we should have this out in an upcoming update :)
While some of our other games limit sharing social network handles and pages we don't have that restriction in this game. We don't want people to...
Welcome to our first ever State of the Realm! We want to keep everyone updated on what we are working on, and what will be happening in the near...
Hey there, You're in Realm 23. Details on upcoming server merges can be found here:...
We will be performing a Scheduled Server Maintenance on Monday, March 5th starting at 11:00 PM PDT. This maintenance is expected to last up to 1...
Updated to also include Realm 11 into Realm 10.
"A Kingdom by any other name would burn as fierce." We've released an update to Kingdoms of Heckfire that will be rolling out to the Apple App...
The following Realm Merges will be taking place on Wednesday, March 7th. - Realm 11 will merge into Realm 10 - Realm 14 will merge into Realm 12...
Yep, coming in a future update :)
Hey, so this is actually an issue we've recently identified as well. The number shown in-game is wrong, but on the server it's correct and as...
Hey there, This is something we know is a pain point and we've got it on our list.
We've updated how ATA ID works with Kingdoms of Heckfire accounts. Players have always been able to recover the password tied to an ATA ID using...
Hey there, please send us an in-game Help message and we'll see what we can do for you :)
We'll have it coming in a future update :)