You must have upgraded from TH15 to 16? The dragon quest increases as you go up in TH’s, TH3-6: 246,000 TH7-9: 517,000 TH10-12: 1,178,000...
If you scroll up in your kingdom into the unexplored lands you will see monster camps. If you click one of those camps you’ll see the dragon that...
As your realm matures and grows more buckets will be added which will future incentivize you to upgrade your TH. This was the last bucket change...
Just a way for the devs to know that you received the item. It also insures that you can only get one of them. Furthermore, if there are any...
Unfortunately there is not, maybe that will be added sometime in the future, but I wouldn’t be too hopeful for that. It’s definitley worth the...
It is based off solo event, the clan event was started 3 hours early today and will hopefully be fixed for the next clans event. Cliff notes on...
They will be fixing that tomorrow, for the next clan event (or at least they said they will be, will have to wait and see if they actually do)
To expand on what GodSilent said, you can jncrease that % by leveling up your dragons (ranking up does not increase your bonus to allies). Another...
Snow forts start spawning on the 22nd, it’s currently the 21st in dev land for another 5.5 hours.
During the tutorial you are required to build a farm and quarry. As you progress through the game and upgrade your TH you will get the ability to...
Find the clanmate you want to send resources to on the realm map, click there kingdom, and click “send goods” Let me know if you need further...
There are arguments that can certainly be made for both sides of that issue. However, there are a couple other ways to obtain teleports (I copy...
Probably half that. There is no realm 1-9, like the naming convention seems to imply. And I have yet to see anybody over Realm 20.
Send a help/ feedback message to the devs asking for your realm number. Menu->extras->help
Not a bad idea. Surprisingly support.
They are random, but if I had to guess I’d say at any given time there was 20-30 titans on the map. 15-20 lvl ones, 5-10 lvl twos and 0-1 lvl 3’s
I’d have to disagree, you can make way more ore and food hitting monsters, or just by sending out a set of gathers each day. I’ve been playing...
You always want to have the max number of studies and altairs possible. Those are the first things I upgrade or build when I upgrade townhalls or...
When you are clanless you will have the option to create a clan. And yes, all of your clan chest keys will be gone. The new clan will have a clan...
Send a message through the in game help message window with the name of the friend you would like be with. Main menu -> extras -> help
To the best of my knowledge clans will not be disbanded. I’ll see if I can get a dev to give a clearer answer.
No, not quite sure where you heard that, but that will also not happen. This thread was about a realm change that happened three weeks ago, if...
A little more info then you asked for but I just copy & pasted from the KoH Dictionary (linked my signature). Mi-Go: a swamp monster hunter and...
Those march restrictions have been removed, I’ll message grant to update the thread.