Well your new update is not letting me on over half the time and just cost me raid points big time! Get your act together! Getting old! Smh!
Not in my realm! Come to 104! Awesome realm! The higher might players know that being a bag and zeroing players just kills servers! Now ffa...
Been waiting for server wars forever! ROK has Kingdom vs Kingdom and it’s awesome! It would give this game a shot in the arm and believe it or...
What realm you in? I actually love my realm! The power guys know that being a dbag and zeroing everyone is a way to kill your server! I mean there...
Yeah farming ore at your level won’t give you much! So beating dragons and doing raids will help! :)
Just do what other war games do? Have a way to promote them up to the top level! Just about every game I’ve played(lots) have this ability! :)
Game is a total cash grab but I do like the simple game play compared to most mmo games! If you guys would just go back to all the gems you won b4...
Glitches horrible today! Smh lots of lag time!
There are so many things that could be done in this game to spice it up! I personally would love to see where you can build your territory up with...
Omg! So funny! I’m still holding on and playing!! But close to calling it “ away” smh I want to drop some money but these developers are...
I’m not saying it’s right or how it should be but the hard truth is this...When you play games like this one(MMO war building base games) or say...
Mobile Strike did that! That be great!
Oh you mean you have to pay to unlock? Yeah complete garbage from a greedy garbage company! I was so excited to see one of the best packs(even...
When a game app company puts a bull crap retail value on those pack? Well I just think of “Bring in the clowns’ Haha Such clowns for doing that!...
Oh one more thing! This game also offers the worst prizes I’ve ever seen for challenges of any game I’ve ever played! Just atrocious and...
I started a week before the terrible update! All I know is that first week I was winning so many gems I could not believe it! I had to do a double...