[IMG] Love Is In The Air and we want your help in creating One Heck of a Valentine's Day Card! These cards should be based on the Kingdoms of...
[IMG] Join us for a very special Valentines Day Event! Love Sick takes place from 2/8 at 1 PM through 2/18 at 1 PM Pacific Time. During the...
We've pushed out two game improvements as suggested by the community. 1) All clan members will show up on Clan Event leaderboards, including...
This weekend we’re bringing you the All You Can Slay Buffet and the All Your Clan Can Slay Buffet. Both events will run from 1pm PST Saturday,...
We are constantly evaluating the balance of the game and how it aligns with both our initial goals and player expectations. It has become apparent...
We will be performing Scheduled Maintenance on January 17th beginning at approximately 11AM PT. This maintenance is expected to last for...
We will be performing scheduled maintenance early tomorrow morning starting at approximately 1AM Pacific Time on January 10th. This maintenance is...
Clan Help is now available for all Kingdoms of Heckfire players using the latest game update. Help your fellow Clan Mates shave off precious time...
[IMG] Winter has come to Heckfire! The Festival of Vigilance is here, and with it comes snow, Yuckberry Pies, and the looming threat of the...
We will be performing scheduled Store Maintenance on December 5th beginning at approximately 10:30PM PDT. This maintenance is expected to last...
We're currently investigating an issue where some players may encounter Marches becoming stuck. We hope to have this fixed as soon as possible....
We're currently undergoing an Unscheduled Maintenance to resolve connection issues players are seeing. We'll update you as soon as we have more...
OurScheduled Server Maintenance is now complete.
Our new Realm Map introduced a central Island containing Shrines & Strongholds as well as high-level Resource Nodes. When this was first...
After a brief hiatus Clan Pints are back! When you purchase a Clan Pint you receive 100 ENERGY. In addition. each member of your Clan will...
Kingdoms of Heckfire is now available Worldwide! [MEDIA] If you haven't yet, grab the game from the iOS App Store or Google Play and invite your...
To celebrate our Worldwide Launch we will be making some very special Launch Packages available in the Store starting on Monday, November 20th!...
In preparation for our Worldwide Launch, we have made some small adjustments to the Research Tree The Army Strength Tree has been slightly...
[IMG] Welcome to our next Clan Spotlight. Each of these posts will focus on a different clan in the world of Heckfire and will allow that clan...
With the release of our New Realm Layout, a new island containing high-level nodes is available in the middle of the map. After listening to...
A totally re-designed Realm created for our upcoming Wonders feature (now known as Shrines and Strongholds) is coming soon! When it's ready, your...
Hang tight everyone! We've got a large number of changes coming your way right now. New Daily Prize Chests 1 FREE every day! Increasing Jewel...
Make your Legend... well, Legendary! Legendary Dragons have arrived in Kingdoms of Heckfire. [IMG] Say "Hello" to Captain Sparkles, Wrot, and...
We've got some changes coming to our available Store Packs taking place this week. Tomorrow, November 1st, at 12:00PM PDT we will be removing the...
Yesterday we re-introduced 5 Minute Rallies to Kingdoms of Heckfire. Along with this change, we will soon be pushing out a change to Injured Troop...