Slay monster, Titan spawns in slain location
And y’all are concerned and arguing about a weekly event that isn’t meant for you. This is meant for the bigger players. Not mid and small players...
It’s been brought up about getting the full refund instead of the dropped price refund
It’s impratical to have them for that hourly event. Also stop bumping old and dead posts
It’s normal for realms to lose players though literally phone games don’t exactly have phenomenal retention ratings. But the shrines are supposed...
Everyone can access shrines only the strong hold them for long though.
It doesn’t take 42 hits to clear somebody. You were zeroed and while the gold thing sucks theirs a little more behind it than just I had gold out...
You have a range of 4th below you to score points on. And if you were zeroed once a month for the pvp event points would you even keep playing? So...
Well not on this post it hasn’t 😬
Their has been rare cases where multiple realm transfers have occurred (more than 2) and that is because something buggy happened and the players...
Ok, since nobody else is saying it I will and sorry but it’s blunt. Shrines and stronghold are ment for upper level, end game players and...
I don’t get what you’re saying or asking or complaining about. Are you complaining that you were attacked after having an ally hired away? And...
Velcro..... it’s a rip off
And when you get zeroed repeatativly?what’s to keep you playing if you can’t make any progress? Having less than a march or barely a march of...
It’s entirely random from what I’m understanding I spent 100k in brew so far to get one to spawn(ik this because I’ve been keeping track cause it...
You have to spawn them by killing monsters
The only thing I’m getting from you is that if a player is bigger than you, you want them banned and removed from the game because it’s unfair
He had his dragons on and all his troops home
I just want you to remember pretzel, a th20 set you on fire.
23-25 has never had 4-10 rewards.
So basically remove pvp?
Pineapple pizza is the best pizza
Errors with the server they temporarily blocked all pvp related abilities so players couldn’t capitalize on others not being able to defend shield etc
Have you considered the fact they’re working on the servers as it’s obvious something is wrong
3 dragon marches are not available to any players regardless of size at this time